BLOG: Replace Phosphates in Meats: 3 Ways to Use Citrus Fiber

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber is a highly functional natural ingredient that can be used to replace phosphates in meats. At low usage levels and in conjunction with either starch, carrageenan or sodium carbonate, this natural citrus fiber improves yields, reduces purge and cleans up food labeling.

No preservatives. Chemical-free. Natural. All these terms sit in the lime light when it comes to describing clean label food products. And the meat and poultry category is no stranger to that. Consumers continue to demand cleaner and more natural meat products. However, removing phosphates is not an easy task. Phosphate is the secret sauce to create high yield poultry products that benefit both the producer and the consumer. Producers save money while consumers enjoy a juicy and succulent meal. Replacing phosphates in meats with natural ingredients appear to be a food science paradox. However, there are phosphate replacement solutions available.

The 3 Pillars: Natural, Meats and Citrus Fiber

Citri-Fi citrus fiber is produced using a patented process that opens up the fiber to create high surface area. As a result, this natural ingredient provides high water holding and emulsification properties. These functionalities are key in meat processing. Ultimately, Citri-Fi improves marinade injected poultry or chicken yields and juicy texture. At the same time, this natural ingredient reduces purge. Citri-Fi's labeling options include citrus flour or dried citrus pulp which resonate well in the natural markets.

The 3 Solutions: Starches, Carrageenan, Sodium Carbonate

One of the most common ways to replace phosphates in meats include using citrus fiber together with starches. Typically we recommend using a rice starch due to its small particle size. Given that Citri-Fi holds onto the water, the other water loving ingredients - starch- creates the viscosity and gel matrix during the cooking process to maintain high yields. Citri-Fi usage level ranges between 0.3% to 0.5%. And the rice starch usage level ranges between 0.3% to 0.8%.

Another phosphate replacement solution is to use citrus fiber in conjunction with carrageenan. Both water loving ingredients tend to hold onto the water during the cooking process to produce juicy and succulent poultry products. Again, Citri-Fi's usage level ranges between 0.3% to 0.5%. And the carrageenan's usage level ranges between 0.1% to 0.3%.

Lastly, citrus fiber and sodium carbonate work together to replace phosphates in poultry meats. Sodium carbonate relaxes the animal muscle to allow more water to bind. Meanwhile, Citri-Fi holds onto the water to maintain high yields and reduce purge in the meats. Here, Citri-Fi's usage level ranges between 0.2% to 0.4%. Studies show that injected poultry using Citri-Fi and sodium carbonate together improved yield by more than 4% versus poultry injected with no phosphates. Coincidentally, many meat processors already use sodium carbonate as a processing aid or for other purposes.

To learn more about the clean label ways to replace phosphates in meats, please check out our VIDEO or contact us.