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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Provides Freshness and Emulsification to Clean Bakery Products

Clean Label Bakery: Using Citrus Fiber

Citri-Fi citrus fiber provides high water holding and natural emulsification. Though it qualifies as a fiber under the FDA, this natural ingredient offers many more functional benefits to clean label bakery. For instance, this citrus fiber retains moisture which improves the perception of freshness over time. As a result, bakers create high quality conventional or gluten-free bakery foods. Moreover, due to its high water holding capacity, this natural food ingredient also reduces eggs and/or oil in baked goods such as muffins and cakes. At the same time, at low usage levels, these bakery items retain the full-fat and rich mouthfeel….

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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber in Foods Improves Water Holding and Emulsification

How to Add Citri-Fi® Citrus Fiber to Foods

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber improves texture, labeling, stability and nutrition of various food products. However, to use this natural citrus fiber in foods, it needs to be hydrated correctly to activate the full functionality. As a result, these four easy methods minimize dispersion issues that may arise when adding this natural ingredient.  Before diving into how to use citrus fiber in foods, let us review why you need to use Citri-Fi in the first place. Citri-Fi citrus fiber uses a process free from chemical modifications. The mechanical process opens up the fiber to provide high water holding and emulsification properties. As…

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Citri-Fi® Citrus Fiber Improves Healthy Food by Reducing Eggs, Oils and Fat and Contributes Fiber

5 Way to Create Healthy Food using Citrus Fiber

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber creates high quality healthy food. For instance, this natural citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification properties. As a result, this natural citrus fiber can reduce oil, fat, eggs and add dietary fiber to an array of food products like bakery, beverages, dressings and snacks.  Creating healthy food today involves subtracting negatively perceived ingredients in addition to adding health promoting elements. For instance, food makers continue to reduce oils and fats in foods. As a result, consumers benefit from lower calories. On the other hand, creating better foods entails removing allergens such as soy, gluten or egg….

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