Plant Sauces: Dressing up Stability and Emulsification

Creating plant sauces containing no animal-derived ingredients separate over time and lack full body mouthfeel. Natural ingredients like Citri-Fi® citrus fiber provide high water holding and emulsification which improve stability and texture in products like vegan ranch dressings.

The market whirled their attention around meat substitutes for the past year. At the same time, dairy alternative foods such as plant milks and dairy-free cheeses continued to grab market share. Yet, one food category remains amiss in this plant-based phenomena – plant sauces. For centuries, sauces and dressings were and still are food’s beloved canopy of flavor and texture. And since some of these products use animal-derived ingredients, they too face challenges converting into vegan versions.

Plant Sauce Challenges

Some sauces and dressings use egg and/or milk proteins to provide texture, stability and flavor. When eliminated, food products suffer from oil and water separation, lack of creaminess and thin textures. However, food developers replace these animal-derived ingredients with modified starches, gums and chemical emulsifiers. As a result, food label declarations turn into lengthy lists full of questionable ingredients in the consumers’ eyes.

Today, the market offers a few natural ingredient options. One natural option, Citri-Fi citrus fiber, provides high water holding and emulsification properties. This citrus fiber’s insoluble and soluble fiber containing intact pectin uses a physical and surface activity mechanism to create the natural emulsification. The oil and water bind tightly to improve stability over time. Moreover, the citrus fiber improves the texture by creating a smooth and full body mouthfeel.

Citrus Fiber Improves Vegan Ranch Dressing

For example, food products such as ranch dressing typically uses mayonnaise, yogurt and buttermilk. Each component contains animal-derived ingredients such as egg and milk protein. However, at very low usage levels (0.2% to 2.0%), Citri-Fi can be used to replace egg in mayonnaise and to improve the texture of plant-based cultured products like dairy-free yogurts. So when the two are combined to make the vegan sauce, it performs like its animal-derived counterpart.

Citri-Fi is non-GMO Project Certified, non-allergenic and gluten-free. It has no E-number. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which all resonate well in the clean label markets. Fiberstar, Inc. is a proud member of the Plant-based Foods Association (PBFA).

To learn more about how to create vegan mayo, plant-based cultured products like non-dairy yogurt or plant sauces like vegan ranch dressing, please contact us. Formulation sheets and technical support are available.