Bakery Foods: Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Improves Moisture Retention, Emulsification and Freshness also Gluten-free - Bread, Cookies, Muffins, Cakes

“C is for Cookie” as in Soft-baked Cookies

The bakery world offers a variety of cookies including the soft-baked cookie type. Despite the cookie description, baking these soft morsels come with hard formulation challenges. Some market offerings soften the texture but they all have their own caveats – tooth pack, darkening, microbial risk and questionable labeling. However, another option is citrus fiber. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber binds the water and oil which softens the texture over time while supporting a clean and natural food label.

“C is for cookie and that’s good enough for me.” These satirical words stem from the iconic Cookie Monster. Though he originated in the USA, this monochromatic blue puppet is recognized all around the kiddie world preaching the good word about cookies! These delicious, sweet morsels come in a variety of flavors, shapes and sizes. They are available with candied toppings, filled with sweetness, enrobed with chocolate or come in different textures. One popular bakery format hot out of the oven includes soft-baked cookies.

Soft-baked Cookie Challenges Bakers Face

Baking soft cookies comes with an array of challenges. Bakers are fighting physics constantly including water migration. If water remains unbound, it tends to seep from the food and free itself into the air. As a result, cookies lose their moisture turning into hard hockey pucks over time. If too much water is left in the cookie, then it becomes a live petri plate inviting microbials to feast also shortening the shelf-life. And even if the water is locked up, bakers risk tooth packing from the chewy matrix. Adjusting the soft-based cookie formulation to avoid these pitfalls also requires a label consideration. Today, consumers tend to seek out food labels that are more natural and cleaner.

For these reasons, bakers tap their toolboxes for potential solutions. Sweeteners like molasses and other sugar syrups are used to help soften the texture. At the same time, these natural food ingredients tend to cause a darkening effect impacting the sweetness and color. And too much sweetener runs the risk of causing tooth packing.

Food starches and food gums are another option to help soften the baked good texture. However, incorporating these ingredients incorrectly leads to gumminess. And depending on the hydrocolloid, some fall suspect to consumers due to their ingredient labeling.

Lastly, some bakers produce only organic bakery products. Because of this, they seek out certified organic ingredients such as flour, eggs and sugar. Many texturizers used to soften cookies may not have organic status. And depending on the region, most of these food ingredients are designated an E-number which is purposely avoided when formulating natural soft-baked cookies in regions like Europe.

Citrus Fiber – Improving Soft-baked Cookie Texture

The market offers another solution to aid in softening and extending shelf-life - Citri-Fi citrus fiber. This natural upcycled ingredient is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. Unlike other similar ingredients in the market, the process used is free from chemical modifications. Citri-Fi's fibrous matrix binds water and oil. As a result, in soft-baked cookies, the texture retains the softness post-bake and over time on the shelf.

Citrus fiber’s moisture retention is its signature benefit which also streams across other baked good categories including gluten-free baking. Citri-Fi, at 0.5% to 1% usage, is typically added to the dry mix such as flour, sugar and salt. And when hydrated, the ingredient activates locking in the water. The batter remains cohesive and non-sticky helping to reduce the loss during handling. During the baking process, the soft-baked cookies maintain their shape without significant spread. And the cookies remain soft and chewy over time.

Citri-Fi is non-allergenic, gluten-free and non-GMO Project Certified. This natural food ingredient has no E-number. Now, Fiberstar offers USDA certified organic citrus fiber - Citri-Fi 400 series. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural and clean label markets.

Please contact us for more information about using citrus fiber to improve the texture in soft-baked cookie and other types of baked goods.