Plant-based Patty Clean Label Concept – Quadra

Quadra Creates Plant-based Patty Concept Using Citrus Fiber 

The next frontier in meat alternative formulating is creating cleaner labels. For instance, natural ingredients such as citrus fiber improves meaty texture, binding and juiciness in plant-based patties. As a consequence, this video illustrates the benefits citrus fiber provides to meat substitute products. At low usage levels (0.5% to 2%), Citri-Fi® helps create meat analog products to simulate their animal-based counterparts. In this case, Quadra Ingredients demonstrates how to hydrate Citri-Fi by creating a natural emulsion which keeps meat patties moist and juicy during the final cook. The natural emulsion is due to Citri-Fi's high levels of intact pectin. As a result, meat alternative products benefit from both the oil and water binding.

Because Citri-Fi labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour, this highly functional ingredient resonates well in the natural and clean label markets. Additionally, this citrus fiber is non-GMO Project Certified, non-allergenic and gluten-free. Also, Citri-Fi has no E-number which benefits the European markets.

Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Benefits in a Plant-based Patty

  • Meatier appearance, texture and taste
  • Binding
  • Juicy and succulent texture
  • Clean label


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