How to: Making Meat Alternatives using Citrus Fiber

Citri-Fi® Citrus Fiber Dual Functionalities

Citri-Fi citrus fiber is an upcycled fiber produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing process. The patented process, which is free from chemical modifications, opens up the fiber to create high water holding capacity and emulsification properties. This dual functionality improves texture, taste and appearance when making meat alternatives. For instance, Citri-Fi improves patties, links, cutlets, grounds, nuggets and processed cold cuts.

Citrus Fiber Portfolio When Making Meat Alternatives

The 100 series provides the emulsification properties which improves the succulence and juiciness of the meat-free products. In addition, this series helps reduce the amount of saturated fats in the formulation and contributes dietary fiber. Usage level ranges between 0.5% to 2% when making meat alternatives. The Citri-Fi TX10 creates the meat-like texture, taste and appearance. Also, this product helps with binding to strengthen the product pre and post cooking. To benefit, usage level ranges between 1-3%. Citri-Fi is non-allergenic, gluten-free and Non-GMO Project Certified. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour. Citri-Fi also has no e-number.

Key Benefits: Making Meat Alternatives Using Citrus Fiber

  • Emulsification - water and oil binding
  • Juicy and succulent texture
  • Reduced saturated fasts (e.g. coconut oil)
  • Meat-like texture
  • Binding

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