Hydrating Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber using a Blender
Citri-Fi citrus fiber provides multiple functionalities including high water holding and emulsification properties. However, the citrus fiber needs to be hydrated properly to activate these functionalities. Since very small usage levels provide full functionality, this citrus fiber requires proper hydration. Some hydration methods include using dry ingredients, a blender or mixer. Many prefer mixing dry ingredients with citrus fiber before incorporating into liquid food products. However, this blender method serves a purpose as well.
Here, the blender mixes the water and citrus fiber together. About 3% of citrus fiber is fed to the vortex of the blender so that the fibers disperse through-out the solution. To make sure full hydration occurs, leave the mixer on for a few minutes. As a result, the fiber will swell and create some thickness. This indicates that the solution properly hydrated using a blender.
Higher levels of citrus fiber creates thicker solutions. Refer to the food application guide when estimating Citri-Fi usage levels. Different food products require different citrus fiber usage levels to provide the full functionality. In the end, less citrus fiber provides various targeted benefits. Note: Typical usage ranges from 0.2% to 1.0%.