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Frozen Foods: Ice Cream, Frozen Meals, Sorbets: Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Binds Water, Freeze/thaw Stability and Reduces Ice Crystal Formation

Frozen Desserts: Smoothing Out the Texture

Frozen desserts, like ice cream, tend to fall victim of ice crystals during handling and storage due to temperature fluctuations. Stabilizers bind the water, however, they have their own limitations. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber, when used at less that 1%, minimizes the ice crystals to create a smooth texture while cleaning up food labels.

It is one of the many nostalgic memories that many Earth dwellers have had since childhood – eating ice cream. And if you reside in the USA, you most likely recall the infamous Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors ice cream shop. This frozen dessert joint sold a flavor for every day of the month. But ironically, many lickers defaulted to their favorite flavor or flavors if given the choice. Today, ice cream not only comes in different flavors but also bases too. Originally, milk was the starting base. However, frozen desserts now can be churned using plant-based milks like oat, almond, coconut and cashew.

The Scoop on Ice Cream Challenges

Making ice cream appears effortless as long as one has an ice cream maker. But when produced on a large scale and distributed across miles of land, frozen desserts are subjected to fluctuating temperatures or heat shock. As a result, ice crystals tend to grow reducing the smooth and creamy texture. Many factors play into preventing water migration during handling and storage including the formulation components, fat level, total solids and overrun.

Ice cream producers rely on stabilizers to bind the water during the quick freeze to minimize ice crystals. The water remains bound during temperature changes preventing ice crystals from forming. However, stabilizers like locust bean gum and guar gum have their limitations. For instance, ice cream stabilizers may be optimal for milk-based ice creams, but they may fall short in dairy-free formats. Many plant-based frozen desserts tend to have a short shelf-life. The longer the time in freezer storage increases the risk of a gummy and chewy texture when using foods gums. Moreover, many food gums fall suspect when found on food labels.

Clean, Smooth and Creamy Ice Cream

One natural solution available includes citrus fiber which locks up the water to create the silky texture. Citri-Fi citrus fiber is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. This natural food ingredient uses a process free from chemical modifications unlike similar ingredients in the marketplace. At the same time, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Others are byproduct of the pectin extraction which typically use solvents and other chemicals to isolate the fiber. Because of this process, some of these byproducts lack the functionality due to the low levels of intact pectin. As a result, some producers add the pectin back in to enhance the functionality. Alternatively, Citri-Fi citrus fiber is wholistic and contains native intact pectin like Mother Nature intended.

At less than 1% usage level, Citri-Fi provides the water holding and emulsification properties needed to prevent ice crystals from forming over time. Citri-Fi citrus fiber improves the texture, stability and nutrition of both animal-based dairy and plant-based dairy desserts. For example, this citrus fiber works in a variety of non-dairy bases such as almond, oat, rice and coconut plant milks.

In addition to the texture improvement, the Citri-Fi citrus fiber line also cleans up frozen dessert food labeling. This is key in both animal and plant-based ice cream markets. Many brands are going back to ice cream basics listing less than five ingredients. And clean label continues to be a hot trend in plant-based foods including non-dairy desserts. Citri-Fi’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label markets. Also, the USDA certified organic Citri-Fi 400 series is now available.

For more information about using citrus fiber in frozen desserts, please contact Fiberstar.

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Bakery Foods: Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Improves Moisture Retention, Emulsification and Freshness also Gluten-free - Bread, Cookies, Muffins, Cakes

“C is for Cookie” as in Soft-baked Cookies

The bakery world offers a variety of cookies including the soft-baked cookie type. Despite the cookie description, baking these soft morsels come with hard formulation challenges. Some market offerings soften the texture but they all have their own caveats – tooth pack, darkening, microbial risk and questionable labeling. However, another option is citrus fiber. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber binds the water and oil which softens the texture over time while supporting a clean and natural food label.

“C is for cookie and that’s good enough for me.” These satirical words stem from the iconic Cookie Monster. Though he originated in the USA, this monochromatic blue puppet is recognized all around the kiddie world preaching the good word about cookies! These delicious, sweet morsels come in a variety of flavors, shapes and sizes. They are available with candied toppings, filled with sweetness, enrobed with chocolate or come in different textures. One popular bakery format hot out of the oven includes soft-baked cookies.

Soft-baked Cookie Challenges Bakers Face

Baking soft cookies comes with an array of challenges. Bakers are fighting physics constantly including water migration. If water remains unbound, it tends to seep from the food and free itself into the air. As a result, cookies lose their moisture turning into hard hockey pucks over time. If too much water is left in the cookie, then it becomes a live petri plate inviting microbials to feast also shortening the shelf-life. And even if the water is locked up, bakers risk tooth packing from the chewy matrix. Adjusting the soft-based cookie formulation to avoid these pitfalls also requires a label consideration. Today, consumers tend to seek out food labels that are more natural and cleaner.

For these reasons, bakers tap their toolboxes for potential solutions. Sweeteners like molasses and other sugar syrups are used to help soften the texture. At the same time, these natural food ingredients tend to cause a darkening effect impacting the sweetness and color. And too much sweetener runs the risk of causing tooth packing.

Food starches and food gums are another option to help soften the baked good texture. However, incorporating these ingredients incorrectly leads to gumminess. And depending on the hydrocolloid, some fall suspect to consumers due to their ingredient labeling.

Lastly, some bakers produce only organic bakery products. Because of this, they seek out certified organic ingredients such as flour, eggs and sugar. Many texturizers used to soften cookies may not have organic status. And depending on the region, most of these food ingredients are designated an E-number which is purposely avoided when formulating natural soft-baked cookies in regions like Europe.

Citrus Fiber – Improving Soft-baked Cookie Texture

The market offers another solution to aid in softening and extending shelf-life - Citri-Fi citrus fiber. This natural upcycled ingredient is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. Unlike other similar ingredients in the market, the process used is free from chemical modifications. Citri-Fi's fibrous matrix binds water and oil. As a result, in soft-baked cookies, the texture retains the softness post-bake and over time on the shelf.

Citrus fiber’s moisture retention is its signature benefit which also streams across other baked good categories including gluten-free baking. Citri-Fi, at 0.5% to 1% usage, is typically added to the dry mix such as flour, sugar and salt. And when hydrated, the ingredient activates locking in the water. The batter remains cohesive and non-sticky helping to reduce the loss during handling. During the baking process, the soft-baked cookies maintain their shape without significant spread. And the cookies remain soft and chewy over time.

Citri-Fi is non-allergenic, gluten-free and non-GMO Project Certified. This natural food ingredient has no E-number. Now, Fiberstar offers USDA certified organic citrus fiber - Citri-Fi 400 series. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural and clean label markets.

Please contact us for more information about using citrus fiber to improve the texture in soft-baked cookie and other types of baked goods.

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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Water Holding, Natural Emulsifier, Upcycled, Sustainable, Gelling Properties - Clean Label- Organic

Clean Label Food & Beverage: 2023 Top Searches

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber is an upcycled environmentally friendly food ingredient. From raw material to the finished product, this fiber remains intact and natural as Mother nature intended. Because of this food ingredient, Citri-Fi improves the health, texture and quality over shelf-life in a variety of food and beverages. According to the top keyword searches around citrus fiber, there are four hot clean label food categories ranging from bakery to meat substitutes.

Food trends come and go, however, clean label is here to stay. Although clean label suggests just that, the definition is highly subjective and carries a myriad of meanings. To some this term implies familiarity, naturalness and simplicity. And to others it refers to sustainable and environmentally friendly. Regardless of the clean label food definition, this movement has affected most food and beverage categories to some degree.

Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber  - Clean Label Food & Beverages

Citri-Fi is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. The clean process, which is free from chemical modifications, is one piece of the green story. Citri-Fi is one of few citrus fibers that uses a process that only contains water and heat to produce this natural ingredient. Other citrus fibers on the market are byproduct of pectin extraction which typically uses solvents and other chemicals in the process. In extraction, the process strips away the native intact pectin which adversely affects the citrus fiber. Some citrus fiber suppliers add the pectin back in to gain additional functionality. Citri-Fi's clean process keeps citrus fiber how Mother Nature intended – full of native intact pectin.

Citri-Fi contributes fiber to various food products which complements other fibers when making fiber claims. In addition to its healthy halo, this natural ingredient’s water holding and emulsification stabilization aids in improving Nutri-Scores - a nutrition label and nutritional labeling system.

In addition to the sustainable procurement, clean process and healthy food applications, Citri-Fi is a clean label ingredient. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp and citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label markets. Because of this, Citri-Fi is an ideal natural food ingredient to create clean label food.

In 2023, six food categories came up in the Fiberstar keyword search analytics for clean label because of Citri-Fi citrus fiber's natural status. Below provides some insight into the hottest clean label food trends.

(1) Baked Goods – Clean Label Bakery Solutions

Today, bakers are returning back to basics in other words clean label baking formulas. This trend affects a variety of baked goods including (on order of prevalence) bakery fillings, pastry and pastry creams, snacks, bread, tortilla, bakery mixes and cakes. Bakers seek cleaner alternatives to emulsifiers, food gums, modified starches and other stabilizers. Citri-Fi citrus fiber is an ideal fit. At less than 1% usage, this natural ingredient can replace emulsifiers and other hydrocolloids depending on the bakery application to create clean bakery products.

(2) Clean Label Pet Food

Pet owners treat companion animals as their beloved children today also known as the pet humanization trend. As consumers become more cognizant about what makes up their own food, they practice the same diligence with their furry friends' meals. Because of this, consumers peruse label friendly options for both dog food and cat food.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber can be used to create clean label pet food. At less than 1% usage, this natural ingredient reduces breakage in biscuits, improves the tenderness in semi-moist treats and replaces stabilizers in canned or wet pet food.

(3) Dressing, Sauces, Dips and Spreads

This food category is a hot spot for clean label formulations. Many products include (in order of prevalence) mayonnaise, dressings, dips, sauces, jams, culinary pastes and nut butters. Though regular mayonnaise is clean since it contains only three pantry ingredients, other permutations such as flavored, reduced egg or egg-free mayonnaise spreads use stabilizers and other hydrocolloids to improve the texture and shelf-life. Citri-Fi, at less than 1% usage, can replace eggs or extend eggs while maintaining a stable emulsion due to its native intact pectin composition.

In dressings, dips and sauces, this natural citrus fiber’s dual functionality – water holding and emulsification – creates smooth stable textures over time. Again, Citri-Fi can create clean label food by replacing stabilizing hydrocolloids. In jams, Citri-Fi can be used to replace added pectin when used in low pH and high Brix conditions. And in culinary pastes and butters, Citri-Fi can create stable emulsions as long some water is present in the system.

(4) Clean Label Meat Substitutes

The meat alternative category continues to thrive with new product launches. Initially, perfecting the texture and flavor were typical goals. However, now, product developers focus on ingredients and labeling in addition to the texture. Many of the 1.0 versions of meat substitutes produced long labels containing unfamiliar food ingredients. Today, product developers are creating clean label foods that are animal-free including (in order of prevalence) plant-based beef, plant-based chicken, plant-based fish, plant-based pork and plant-based burger patties.

The Citri-Fi portfolio contains citrus fibers with varying particle sizes. Although they contribute fiber and aid in reducing saturated fats in meat alternatives, they also improve the quality. For instance, the Citri-Fi 100 series at less than 1% usage, is used in meat analogs to bind oil and water. As a result, plant-based meats retain their juiciness and succulence. The Citri-Fi TX creates a meat-like and firm texture when used at 2-4%

Other Clean Label Foods

Other hot clean label foods sought out include dairy products like yogurt. Citri-Fi citrus fiber at less than 1% usage controls syneresis to create thick, smooth and creamy textures. In frozen foods, Citri-Fi binds water to minimize crystallization in ice cream, create enhanced sauce textures in frozen meals and provides freeze/thaw stability in a variety of appetizers.

Regardless of the category, Citri-Fi citrus fiber helps formulators improve the nutrition, quality and texture of clean label foods. This natural citrus fiber is non-GMO, allergen-free and gluten-free. It contains no e-number which is relevant to regions like Europe. And now, USDA certified organic is offered.

For more information about Citri-Fi citrus fiber and the latest innovations, please contact us.

(Source: Google Analytics G4, 2023)

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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Water Holding, Natural Emulsifier, Upcycled, Sustainable, Gelling Properties - Sustainability - Eco-friendly - Upcycled

Top 5 Facts about Citri-Fi® Upcycled Citrus Fiber

For the past 20 years, Fiberstar has been the original pioneer of upcycled citrus fibers which originate from the citrus juicing industry. This superior citrus fiber provides water holding, emulsification and added viscosity which are not equal to other citrus fibers on the market. Citri-Fi® is produced using a clean process free from chemical modifications which supports a clean label. Not only does this citrus fiber contribute dietary fiber, but it also provides multiple functionalities that improve the stability, texture and mouthfeel of a variety of food and beverages.

The True Citrus Fiber Pioneers – Fiberstar, Inc.

The Fiberstar team takes pride in being the upcycling citrus fiber forerunners. For over 20 years, Fiberstar’s expertise revolved around creating value-added products from plant-based fibers, specifically citrus-based fibers. This technology evolved years before other food ingredient companies jumped on the bandwagon after noticing the value that citrus fiber brings to the food and beverage market.

The 20-year mastery in citrus fiber technology and dedicated passion built a solid foundation for converting side streams into value-added ingredients. Because of this, Fiberstar produced a line of citrus fibers that fit today’s paradigm – clean label, fiber enhancement, sustainability and cost savings. For instance, Citri-Fi citrus fiber supports a clean label and uses a clean process. The process preserves the fibrous content which contributes fiber to food and beverages. As a result, citrus fiber provides water holding and emulsification which aids in extending pricey foods like tomato paste, egg and animal meats to create cost savings.

After witnessing the value of citrus fiber when the clean label and upcycled trends surfaced, other ingredient suppliers followed suit by adding a citrus fiber to their portfolios. In the end, the industry recognizes Fiberstar as one of the first to put citrus fiber on the map in the food ingredient world.

Citrus Fibers are not Created Equal

Today, the market offers several citrus fibers. However, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Citri-Fi originates from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. This upcycled citrus fiber’s highly efficient process is free of chemical modifications and solvents which keeps native pectin intact how Mother Nature intended. Thus, the intact pectin creates the superior functionality – water holding and emulsification. And the neutral flavor allows formulations to use higher levels if needed without flavor impact.

Other citrus fiber suppliers pull from their own pectin extraction which is subjected to solvents and potentially other chemicals. In other words, this process is not free of chemical modifications. The pectin is typically stripped in these processes leaving behind a residual amount which limits its functionality. This negatively affects the citrus fiber’s water holding capacity and emulsification power. Depending on the residual pectin present, some suppliers add pectin back to restore the full functionality which is an added step in the process. Additionally, other processes may not minimize the bitter notes that typically accompany citrus peel. As a result, these citrus fibers are limited to non-sensitive food applications.

Two Decades of Upcycling: Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber

Fiberstar’s technology and business started by creating and selling an upcycled citrus fiber over 20 years ago. This took place years before upcycled or sustainability became center stage topics. Though upcycling began life as a way to recoup dollars from the business decades ago, it was not until now when upcycling entered the limelight. This market asking for a circular economy with minimal environmental impact or zero waste spearheaded this. Fiberstar's upcycling model occurred before its time. And because of this, the company's expertise in upcycling spurred several product launches thru the years solving the market’s toughest formulation challenges. These ranged from oil, fat and egg reduction, plant-based meat textures, consumer friendly labeling and tomato paste extension.

Clean & Natural: The Process to Labeling

Clean label continues to be a hot topic today. However, clean goes beyond just the labeling. This subjective term also relates to how food is grown, harvested and processed. In the citrus fiber world, this equates to how citrus fiber is procured and re-purposed to benefit the market. As mentioned, Citri-Fi is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing process. The spent fiber is then refined further by using methods free from chemical modifications and solvents. Other citrus fiber producers capture their citrus fiber from pectin extraction which typically uses solvents and other chemical modifications.

Citri-Fi is truly a clean upcycled citrus fiber from processing to the final product. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which all resonate well in the natural market. In addition to the clean story, this citrus fiber is non-GMO, allergen-free and contains no E-number. USDA certified organic citrus fiber, Citri-Fi 400, is now available.

Citrus Fiber is Multi-functional and Fiber Enhancing

Because citrus fiber contains the words "fiber", the market assumes that its primary role points to fortifying foods. However, different types of dietary fibers exist in the market. Some fibers fortify foods. And some of these dietary fibers provide prebiotic effects used to improve digestive health. Alternatively, some fibers deliver functional benefits in addition to fiber enrichment. For example, Citri-Fi provides water holding, emulsification and added viscosity.

These multi-functional upcycled citrus fibers, when used less than 1%, improve the stability, texture and nutrition of a variety of food and beverages. For instance, in baked goods Citri-Fi improves moisture retention which enhances the perception of freshness over time. Also, this natural fiber can reduce eggs, oil and/or fat while maintaining the full-fat mouthfeel. In sauces, Citri-Fi creates stability and improves the texture. For example, Citri-Fi extends tomato paste up to 25% while maintaining the natural tomato-like texture. And in plant-based beverages, this upcycled citrus fiber improves the full-body mouthfeel and stability without using other gums and stabilizers. In the end, Citri-Fi is a versatile multi-functional citrus fiber that improves dairy, dressings, processed meats, frozen foods, beverages, dairy alternatives and meat substitutes.

For more information about Citri-Fi citrus fiber or to order a sample please contact us.

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Meat Alternatives - Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber - Replace Methylcellulose, Meat-like Texture, Juiciness

Formulating Meat Substitutes: Citri-Fi® Portfolio

Meat substitutes require a variety of texturizers, stabilizers and gelling agents to create the meat-like texture, juiciness and binding. Some ingredients fell out of favor due to labeling and some like Citri-Fi® citrus fiber can clean up the label and enhance the quality when formulating meat substitutes.

Formulating meat substitutes has been an on-going challenge for every plant-based food producer. For instance, consumers expect the foods to taste exactly like animal-based products. Without that parity, consumers skip the re-purchase and gravitate back to their beloved fleshy bits. Though meat substitute products come close to their animal counterparts, they still fall short in taste and texture.

To create a meat substitute requires plant-based ingredients. For example, product developers use a protein base in addition to texturizers, stabilizers, and gelling agents. This hodgepodge of ingredients are needed to create the firm meat-like texture, succulence and binding. At the same time, consumers criticize not only the lengthy ingredient decks but the ingredients themselves. As a result, this opens up opportunity for more clean and natural options.

Fiberstar, Inc. offers a portfolio of natural citrus fibers which address the category's requirements. The key citrus fibers include Citri-Fi TX and Citri-Fi 100, 400 (organic) and 600 series. Below are articles and videos that provide guidance when formulating meat substitutes using citrus fiber.


Plant-based Foods Trends: Meat Substitutes are Still Hot

Though the market activity slowed down, developers continue to push out new and/or reformulated meat alternative foods.

BLOG: Natural Products Expo Trends: Plant-based Meat Formulations & Dairy Alternatives


Creating the Meat-like Texture in Plant-based Meats

The meat-like texture is signature to animal-based food products. As a result, meat alternatives need to simulate that firmness and chew. Citri-Fi TX citrus fiber is a large coarse granule that when used between 1 and 4% with a plant-based protein, enhances the meaty chew that consumers expect.

BLOG: Fiberstar, Inc. Launches a New Texturizing Citrus Fiber - Citri-Fi® TX

BLOG: New Meat Alternative Ingredients: Top 5 FAQ About Citri-Fi® TX Citrus Fiber


Formulating Meat Substitutes: Using the Citri-Fi Portfolio

In addition to Citri-Fi TX texturizing citrus fiber, Fiberstar also offers the Citri-Fi 100, 400 and 600 series. The 100 series is the flagship citrus fiber that provides both water holding and emulsification at less than 2% usage. The citrus fiber's composition binds the oil and water to generate the juiciness and succulence. The 400 series is USDA certified organic. And the neutral flavored 600 series provides additional viscosity which can be used at higher levels versus the 100 series. Both meat-like texture and juiciness can be achieved by using both the TX and the 100, 400 or 600 series together.

BLOG: Meat Substitute Foods: Creating Clean Labels using Citrus Fiber

BLOG: Meat Alternatives and Citrus Fiber FAQ

Video: How to: Making Meat Alternatives using Citrus Fiber


Clean Label Ingredients for Plant-based Meats

Because consumers scrutinize food labels, certain food ingredients like methylcellulose fell out of favor. This workhorse ingredient dominates the meat analog formulating world due to its functionality. Though there is no one-to-one replacement option yet, some products like citrus fiber may aid in creating clean label meat-free patties, sausages and hot dogs.

BLOG: “Finally” User-friendly, Methylcellulose-free Solutions for Meat Substitutes using Citri-Fi® Citrus Fiber

VIDEO: Citri-Fi® Citrus Fiber Creates Natural Meat Alternatives

If you have additional questions about formulating meat substitutes, please contact us. The technical team is available to support you.

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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Water Holding, Natural Emulsifier, Upcycled, Sustainable, Gelling Properties - Sustainability - Eco-friendly - Upcycled

6 Ways to Formulating with Citrus Fiber

Foods tend to require multiple ingredients to ensure stability and quality. Yet, the lengthy ingredient labels tend to hamper the product’s image. Fiberstar’s full line of citrus fibers offer one ingredient with multiple functionalities – water holding and emulsification. By formulating with citrus fiber, product developers can create high quality and stable food products while keeping labels clean.

Look at a food product’s label and you will be daunted at how many food ingredients are listed. Some are your classics found in grandmother’s pantry. Others struggle to roll off the tongue easily. And then some ingredients read like hieroglyphics dug up from an Egyptian crypt. Regardless, formulating with citrus fiber and/or other natural functional ingredients can help clean up food labels which improves the product’s image.

The market demands more natural ingredients that create high quality healthy food products with a long shelf-life. Using the words ‘natural ingredients’ and ‘long shelf-life’ in the same sentence is an oxymoron to most food developers. Natural ingredients tend to have limited functionality and stability which adversely affects shelf-life. Many shelf stable foods need stabilizers and/or emulsifiers to maintain its integrity. At the same time, not all fall in the clean label bucket.

Texturizers, Stabilizers and Emulsifiers

Hydrocolloids originate from various raw materials, require different handling and usage methods and provide varying functionalities. Some hydrocolloids provide stabilization, suspension and even emulsification. They exist as the workhorses in the food formulating world. However, depending on the hydrocolloid used, these ingredients pose challenges. Some have fallen out of favor with consumers due to the clean label trend. Others continue to have availability issues. However, formulating with citrus fiber has bypassed some of these hurdles.

However, not all citrus fibers are created equal. These fibers differ by raw material origin, processing methods, composition, functionality and particle size in addition to regulatory certifications. For instance, Citri-Fi® citrus fiber is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. This upcycled product uses processes free from chemical modifications. Because of the patented process, the citrus fiber exists in its natural form like Mother Nature intended. The composition of insoluble and soluble fiber, in the form of high levels of intact pectin, contribute to its functional benefits – water holding and emulsification. Moreover, the small protein content also aids in the emulsification mechanism making citrus fiber an ideal natural emulsifier.

As mentioned, citrus fibers also differ by particle size. Fiberstar offers varying particles sizes that range from fine to large coarse granules. The procurement and process allows Citri-Fi to be allergen-free, non-GMO and in some product lines, USDA certified organic.

Because Citri-Fi has a portfolio of products, how does one choose the right citrus fiber? Let’s discuss the basics.

Formulating with Citrus Fiber 100 Series

The Citri-Fi 100 product line, the flagship brand, provides water holding and emulsification properties. It is recommended to use less than 1% to minimize any flavor impact. Depending on the flavor sensitivity of the food application, Citri-Fi 100 series can be used at a slightly higher level to maximize the functional benefits.

Food applications include baked goods, dairy, beverages, processed meats, dressings, sauces, pet food, meat substitutes and dairy alternatives. Using homogenization opens the fiber up to create high surface area which increases the functionality of the citrus fiber. This can be useful in food applications such as dairy products, ice cream, dressings and sauces. For example, the sheared citrus fiber can serve as a tomato extender in tomato paste which is used in pizza sauce and tomato juice. There are four particle sizes available ranging from small to large.

Co-processed Citrus Fiber and Food Gums: Citri-Fi 200 and 300 Series

Fiberstar also offers the Citri-Fi 200 and Citri-Fi 300 series. Both of these series are co-processed with food gums, guar gum and xanthan gum, respectively. The co-processed citrus fibers provide similar water holding and emulsification as the 100 line, however, they provide additional viscosity. Both are ideal for applications requiring additional viscosity and/or functionality such as dairy products, dressings, sauces and egg and/or oil replacement in baked goods. Deciding which line to use depends on the formulation criteria. Some product developers prefer working with guar gum vs. xanthan gum or vice versa due to functionality, labeling or availability. Again, these lines are offered in various particle sizes to target specific food textures.

The Next Level of Functionality Citrus Fiber: Citri-Fi 600 Series

Now the portfolio includes the new Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber series. Though Fiberstar offers the 200 and 300 lines to provide additional viscosity, some customers prefer not to use foods gums on their ingredient labels. And in some cases, using shear to open the fiber up to increase the viscosity is not an option. However, they still need the additional thickness. This neutral flavored Citri-Fi 600 line provides the additional viscosity without requiring shear. The viscous nature is found naturally which makes it ideal for those food manufacturers who do not have shearing equipment like a homogenizer.

Citri-Fi 600 performs well in food products such as dairy, dressings, beverages and sauces. For instance, the 600 line is also an ideal tomato paste extender. As a result, this citrus fiber can extend up to 25% tomato paste while creating a natural tomato-like texture. And due to the water and oil binding, Citri-Fi controls separation during food processing and shelf life. Citri-Fi 600 is heat, low pH and freeze/thaw stable.

USDA Certified Organic Citrus Fiber: Citri-Fi 400 Series

Due to the growing demand for more organic foods and beverages, formulating with citrus fiber that is organic is now an option. Fiberstar launched Citri-Fi 400 USDA certified organic citrus fiber. This neutral flavored organic line has the same functionality as the Citri-Fi 600 series – water holding, emulsification and added viscosity. Product developers can use the 400 series to create foods that are 100% organic, 95% organic or made with organic ingredients.

Plant-based Food Texturizers: Citri-Fi TX

The Citri-Fi TX texturizing citrus fiber was specifically designed to create meat-like texture in meat substitutes and processed meats. In plant-based meats, formulators typically use texturized plant proteins as the base to produce the meat-like texture. When formulating with citrus fiber, Citri-Fi TX enhances the texture of the meat substitute by delivering the firmness, bite and meaty texture at 2-4%. The TX is used in combination with plant-based proteins. And when combined with the 100 line, this citrus fiber binds the water and oil to produce the juiciness and succulence.

Checking all the Good Boxes

Labeling options for the Citri-Fi 100, 400, 600 and TX include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural markets. These lines are non-GMO, allergen-free and gluten-free and contribute dietary fiber. Also, they have no e-number which is desirable in regions like Europe. As mentioned, the Citri-Fi 400 is USDA certified organic. And because Citri-Fi originates from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry, these product lines are plant-based and highly sustainable. Citri-Fi meets today’s hottest food trends – plant-based, organic, natural, sustainable, green, upcycled, healthy and allergen-free. Formulating with citrus fiber checks all the boxes.

Using one ingredient - citrus fiber - alleviates the clean label issue. Product developers can create clean great tasting food and beverages with one multi-functional ingredient. Fiberstar continues to leverage its long-standing citrus fiber expertise to create new clean food ingredients that solve the market’s challenges today.

Please contact us if you have questions about the Citri-Fi citrus fiber portfolio.


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Bakery Fillings - Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Thickener, Stability, Creamy Texture, Egg Reduction, Clean Label

Perfecting the Pumpkin Pie Filling – Citrus Fiber

Pumpkin spice takes center stage when the Fall season hits. Though used in a variety of foods, the spice blend originated from the pumpkin pie which is a staple during the holiday season in the U.S. However, commercial pumpkin pies fall victim to stability and texture issues due to water migration over time. One option is to use the new Citri-Fi® 600 citrus fiber, a neutral flavored citrus fiber which provides water holding, emulsification and viscosity. As a result, when used at low usage levels (<1%) in pumpkin pie filling, this natural ingredient minimizes cracking, shrinking and weeping.

Tis the season when baristas whip up frothy pumpkin spice lattes and shoppers restock their pantries with pumpkin spice everything. Over the years, pumpkin spice penetrated almost every food group including beer, cookies, candy and even butters. This flavor trend evolved into a tradition which marks the dawn of a new season. Despite pumpkin spice’s trendiness, its popularity originated in the traditional pumpkin pie filling.

Pumpkin Pie Filling Pitfalls

As soon as Fall arrives in the U.S., every baker is pumping out fresh pumpkin pies. And like most shelf-stable foods, pies fall victim of stability issues. Over time, water migration causes water to pool on the surface. As a result, the pie tends to form cracks. And with enough water movement, shrinking causes the edges to pull away and the loose moisture turns the crust soggy. These unalluring visuals could sway any customers to alternatives like apple pie.

Most pumpkin pies rely on egg to bind the water and oil which minimizes the weeping. However, depending on the pie formulation, egg alone cannot prevent water migration. And because of egg availability issues and price fluctuations, some producers try to reduce the egg content as a cost savings strategy. This further reduces the egg functionality causing water binding issues. Some workarounds include applying a gel-based surface coating containing different hydrocolloids to mask the weeping and prevent cracking. However, this technique does not address the soggy crust. Another option is to add water binding ingredients such as modified starches, alginates or food gums to the filling.

Egg Reduction & Clean Label

Another solution is to incorporate citrus fiber. The new Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber line is recommended for bakery fillings such as pumpkin pie filling. At low usage levels (<1%), this neutral flavored citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification properties in addition to high viscosity. Because of this, water is bound to prevent the cracking, shrinking and weeping. Moreover, Citri-Fi can also improve the stability and texture of the pie when eggs are reduced. For instance, bakers can reduce eggs up to at least 50% when using 1% of Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber.

Citri-Fi is easily incorporated into the pie formulation by mixing it with the dry ingredients such as spices, salt or sugar. This step is key before introducing the liquids such as pumpkin, milk and water. The dry ingredient mix is then added to the wet ingredients to create a uniform mixture.

Using Citri-Fi 600 not only improves the overall quality of the pumpkin pie but it also can help reduce the number of ingredients in the pie formulation. As a result, bakers benefit from cleaner and more natural food labels. Citri-Fi 600’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural food markets.

Other Bakery Filling Benefits using Citrus Fiber

Besides heat stability, Citri-Fi 600 is also freeze/thaw and low pH stable. It is non-GMO Project certified, allergen-free and gluten-free. Citri-Fi 600 also has no e-number which is key for certain regions like Europe. An USDA certified organic version, Citri-Fi 700, will be launching soon.

For more information about Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber in pumpkin pie filling or other bakery fillings, please contact us.

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Beverages and Drinks: Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Provides Stability, Pulp Extension and Natural Mouthfeel

Strip the Stabilizers – Plant-based Beverages

Clean label continues to be a hot topic for plant-based beverages. The new Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber series, at low usage levels, provides additional viscosity and creates stable full-body mouthfeels in plant milks without the use of stabilizers like gellan gum. Citri-Fi’s upcycled story also supports milk alternative’s sustainability initiatives.

In previous articles crafted about plant-based beverages, the topics focused on types of plant milks, food ingredient usage and processing methods. Yet, none honed in on the clean label trend. Simplified food labeling continues to be a hot topic especially in plant-based milks like oat milk and almond milk. Some manufacturers tout their homemade style processing which uses no stabilizers. At the same time, stability and texture tend to be compromised. In the 1980’s, finding a sludge of chocolate at the bottom of a milk glass created Cheshire smiles on every kid’s face. Today, finding a slug of particulates at the bottom of a drink triggers a head scratch.

Citrus Fiber - Formulating Stability & Creamy Mouthfeel

Currently, gellan gum is the workhorse stabilizer in the dairy alternative beverage category. This wonder ingredient prevents separation during shelf-life. And its functionality creates a smooth mouthfeel. Without adding stabilizers, water and oil separate and insoluble components sink to the bottom. As a result, the mouthfeel is one degree away from water consistency.

Citrus fiber, such as Citri-Fi 100 series, is used in some commercial plant-based beverages. Though it provides some stability and improves the mouthfeel, it complements stabilizers like gellan gum. This solution focuses on improving texture but does not address the clean label market need. Because of this, Fiberstar launched the Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber - "Next Level of Functionality". This new series provides higher viscosity versus the Citri-Fi flagship line. Using the 600 product line between 0.3% to 0.8% creates stability and enhances the full-body mouthfeel. A one or two pass homogenization step opens up this natural citrus fiber's structure. As a result, stabilizers like gellan gum can be omitted.

Sustainability Aligns with the Plant-based Beverage Story

Milk alternatives also tell a sustainable story. One of the keys to success is the fact that this category minimizes its carbon footprint and reduces the environmental impact. Every ingredient selected should contribute to that story. Citri-Fi citrus fiber has its own sustainable narrative. This upcycled citrus fiber is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. The chemical-free process opens up the fiber to create high water holding and emulsification properties. The new Citri-Fi 600 series is non-GMO, allergen-free and gluten-free. This natural citrus fiber has no E-number. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour. The USDA certified organic citrus fiber 700 series will be available soon.

To learn more about creating clean plant-based beverages using citrus fiber, please reach out to our technical team.

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Tomato Extension, Natural Tomato-like Texture, Viscosity, Thickness - Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber

The Secret Sauce: Tomato Paste Extender for Pizza Sauce

Pizza is an ideal delivery system full of vegetables, proteins and grains which are packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, escalating tomato costs can hinder opportunities. The new Citri-Fi® 600 series is a neutral flavored citrus fiber that creates thick natural tomato-like textures. At low usage levels (1%), this tomato paste extender for pizza sauce can reduce usage by 25-30%.

Years ago, I attended a new product development course at the Annual IFT Expo. The instructor assigned groups to tackle one of New Orleans’s conundrums – lack of nutrition within the homeless community. To fully understand the communities’ needs, our group milled around the city on foot interviewing shelters, missions and other non-profit homeless organizations. We returned to our class with the ultimate idea - pizza. Pizza met the nutritional requirements to survive the streets. This ideal delivery system full of vegetables, proteins and grains was packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. And the secret sauce – no pun intended – was the pizza sauce. However, every penny counted in this environment. As a result, we recommended several cost cutting solutions including tomato paste extenders for pizza sauce.

Tomato Paste Extender Solutions

Tomato paste extenders have existed for years in the food industry. For instance, these solutions range from starches and food gums to other stabilizers. Each solution bears their own pros and cons when used to extend tomato in pizza sauces. For example, food starches create hot or cold viscosity that builds texture when tomato solids are reduced. However, they typically require high usage levels and produce a different mouthfeel. Food gums, on the other hand, thicken up textures at low usage levels (<1%). Yet, their textures tend to be stringy.

Today, the market offers natural alternatives such as citrus fiber. However, not all citrus fibers are created equal. The NEW Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber series provides the “next level of functionality”. This neutral flavored fiber provides higher viscosity versus the flagship 100 line. Other citrus fibers on the market contribute limited functionality including added viscosity. Because of this, Citri-Fi 600 serves as an ideal tomato paste extender for pizza sauce.

At low usage level (1%), Citri-Fi 600 reduces up to 25-30% tomato paste. As a result, manufacturers can witness significant cost savings. This natural citrus fiber requires only high shear, such as a countertop blender, to create a thick and natural tomato-like texture. To reduce higher levels of tomato paste, product developers can increase the Citri-Fi 600 usage level and/or increase shear by using a homogenizer. These methods can extend tomato paste up to 50%.

Citrus Fiber Portfolio of Tomato Paste Extenders

Now, product developers have several tomato extension solutions to choose from. Selecting the best solution depends on equipment and food labeling requirements. The Citri-Fi 100 citrus fiber series calls for high shear such as homogenization to provide similar benefits. The Citri-Fi 200 series, which is citrus fiber co-processed with guar gum, thickens too. However, the food labeling includes “guar gum” which can be a deal breaker for developers. And for organic food and beverages, the Citri-Fi 700, which is the USDA certified organic version of Citri-Fi 600, will be launched soon.

Other citrus fiber benefits include syneresis control, starch and gum-free formulations and food processing stability (low pH, heat and freeze/thaw). In addition to the functional benefits, Citri-Fi is non-allergenic, gluten-free and non-GMO. The 100 and 600 series have no E-numbers. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural and clean label markets.

The technical team is available to provide guidance in using Citri-Fi citrus fiber as a tomato paste extender in pizza sauce. Please contact us to learn more about potential cost savings.

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Dry Plating: Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Turns Liquids into Free-Flowing Powders - Beverages

Plating Agent: Citrus Fiber Nature’s Dry Carrier

Some food ingredients come in both oil-soluble and water-soluble states such as flavors and nutritional fortifiers. Formulating with these aqueous food ingredients can be challenging. Because of this, many prefer to use dry carriers. To do this, plating agents like Citri-Fi® citrus fiber can transform liquid substances into flowable powders by dry blending. Once combined, the plated citrus fiber can be added to beverages, soups, sauces and dressings. At less than 1% usage, Citri-Fi not only delivers flavor, but also texture, stability and nutrition.

In previous articles, Fiberstar touted how Citri-Fi citrus fiber converted liquids into flowable powders. Though it sounds like a form of wizardry, this citrus fiber’s high surface area lends itself to this magical act. And when stacked up against other plating agents on the market such as maltodextrin, food starches and silicates, many prefer citrus fiber due to its clean label status.

Plating Agent Magic: Citrus Fiber

Citri-Fi is an upcycled citrus fiber produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. The process, which is free from chemical modifications, opens up the fiber to create high surface area. As a result, when mixed with Citri-Fi, liquids become trapped in the fibrous matrix transforming its liquid state into a dry free-flowing powder. These liquids are not restricted to just oil-based solutions as mentioned in previous articles. Citri-Fi can turn other aqueous solutions such as water-based or oil and water-based solutions into flowable powders.

Besides serving as a delivery system, the Citri-Fi also provides additional functionality depending on the food application. In beverages, the plated citrus fiber creates a natural mouthfeel, body and stability when hydrated. This dry carrier also improves yields and juiciness in processed meats like pumped poultry or chicken. Other applications include plating medicinal oils like CBD.

Oil-Soluble Liquid to Dry Powder Beverage Example: Lemon Oil

Many flavors and nutritional fortifiers start life as a liquid oil. Citri-Fi citrus fiber can plate up to 20% liquid oil while maintaining flowability. In this this example, lemon oil is plated onto Citri-Fi 100M40 citrus fiber to create an oil powder. To do this, dry blend 20% lemon oil onto a solid carrier such as citrus fiber in a vessel. If used in a beverage, about 0.25% of the citrus fiber plated with lemon oil is blended with other dry ingredients such as sugar before mixing into water or other liquids.

Water-Soluble Liquid to Dry Powder Example: Liquid Smoke

Some water-based flavors such as liquid smoke can be plated onto citrus fiber. In this application, Citri-Fi can bind up to 1:1 water-soluble ingredients and remain a free-flowing powder. To do this, pour water-soluble liquid smoke into a vessel containing Citri-Fi citrus fiber while mixing. Mix until a homogenous powder forms. Once dry blended, the plated liquid smoke can be used in dry mixes like dressings, sauces and soups.

Oil and Water-Soluble Liquid to Dry Powder Example: Liquid Smoke

In some cases, the flavoring system is a combination of oil and water like for some smoke flavor blends. The plating agent, Citri-Fi 100M40, can bind up to 20% of both water-soluble and oil-soluble ingredients while maintaining a free-flowing powder. To do this, place the Citri-Fi into a mixing vessel. While mixing, pour the water-soluble smoke flavor first. Mix until homogenous. Next add the oil-soluble smoke flavor and mix until homogenous. Oil-soluble ingredients can be also mixed with citrus fiber first without a noticeable difference.

Other Citrus Fiber Benefits

In the end, plating agents like citrus fiber can convert oil-soluble or water-soluble materials into flowing powders. The plated citrus fiber delivers the flavor to food products when used at less than 1%. In addition to delivering flavor, Citri-Fi also provides additional functionality such as improved texture, stability and nutrition.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber is non-GMO Project Certified, allergen-free and gluten-free. USDA certified organic is now available – Citri-Fi 400 citrus fiber series. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label market. This citrus fiber does not have an E-number.

For more information, please contact us at

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