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Tomato Extender: Squeezing out the FAQ

Tomato shortage from adverse weather and disease conditions caused food manufacturers to scramble for supply or alternatives. Though there are a few tomato extenders available, Citri-Fi® citrus fiber, at less than 1% usage, provides optimal extension up to 25% while maintaining the natural tomato texture, color and flavor.

You say tomato. I say tomayto. Regardless, tomato and tomayto stem from the same fruit source which has disappear-ato. Recently, adverse weather and disease ripped thru the once thriving agricultural staple. As a result, tomato processors are converting less material which set a chain reaction in the food industry. Many food manufacturers scrambling to secure supply and/or find alternative solutions such as tomato extenders find themselves in dire straits.

This shortage is affecting numerous tomato-based products including tomato paste, sauces like pasta, pizza, and BBQ, salad dressings, condiments, and soups. Reducing tomato content creates several challenges such as reduced flavor and color in addition to an altered texture. Several options available on the market include starches, food gums and/or functional fibers like citrus fiber. However, each option comes with pros and cons.

Citrus Fiber - a Natural Tomato Extender

For instance, starches traditionally have been used as thickeners and texturizers due to their hydrocolloidal properties. Yet, they have their limitations when partially substituting tomato paste. Typically, food starches require higher usage levels (2-4%) and produce short textures. Food gums also are go-to texturizing tools but at low usage levels. However, they typically produce slimy textures. Other options include functional fibers like citrus fiber or other plant-based fibers.

Citrus fiber is an ideal tomato paste extender. This natural fiber’s composition of insoluble/soluble fiber simulates tomatoes fibrous content. Because of this, when tomatoes are processed, the end products have a more natural tomato texture. At the same time, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Citrus fibers like Citri-Fi contain high levels of native intact pectin that generate its high functionality. As a result, this natural ingredient can be used at low levels <1%.

Because functional fibers recently emerged in the food ingredient world, manufacturers tend to inquire more. Fiberstar collected the top frequently asked questions listed below when using citrus fiber as a tomato extender.

How do you Use Citrus Fiber as a Tomato Extender?

Fiberstar offers several options to extend tomato in food products. Citri-Fi 100 citrus fiber at <1% requires homogenization (250 bar, 1 pass) to open up the fibrous matrix. The added shear creates higher surface area which increases the added viscosity. Despite the flagship offering, some manufacturers tend to sharpen their pencils. Adding a homogenizer to their process requires a cost/benefit analysis. Another option entails the Citri-Fi 200 which is citrus fiber co-processed with guar gum. At <1% usage, this solution does not require homogenization. When clean label is not a requirement, this option is an excellent workaround.

If labeling and homogenization are contention points, Fiberstar now offers the new Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber which provides the next level in functionality. The 600 series delivers higher viscosity versus the 100 line without needing added shear. And the ingredient statement remains clean label.

What are Citri-Fi's Labeling Options?

There are a few tomato extender options using the Citri-Fi portfolio. Both Citri-Fi 100 and 600 series labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour. Citri-Fi 200 can be labeled as citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour and guar gum. Citri-Fi is non-GMO, non-allergenic and gluten-free. The 100, 400 (USDA certified organic) and 600 series do not have an E-number.

Does Citri-Fi Provide Viscosity?

The Citri-Fi 100 series provides thickness without shear. However, to match the natural tomato texture, it is highly recommended to use homogenization (250 bar, 1 pass) to open up the fibrous structure. The Citri-Fi 200 series, which is citrus fiber co-processed with guar gum, does not require high shear to deliver viscosity. Lastly, the new Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber series, the next level of functionality, produces higher viscosity versus the 100 series without needing high shear. More information about viscosity studies are available. Please contact

Does Extending Tomato Paste with Citrus Fiber Require Flavor and Color Adjustments?

At lower extension levels (25% tomato paste reduction), Citri-Fi maintains the flavor and color. However, like most tomato extenders such as starches and gums, the higher the extension, the more flavor and color are impacted. Citri-Fi citrus fiber solutions work synergistically with flavor and color enhancers. Please contact to learn more about flavoring and coloring options available.

What Cost Savings are Associated with using Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber?

Ingredient cost savings highly depends on the price of tomatoes, level of extension and the type of Citri-Fi solution. At this time, all three Citri-Fi solutions provide cost savings when used to extend up to 25% tomato paste. However, there are other processing costs associated with all tomato extenders and not just Citri-Fi which may include label changes, required equipment, etc. that manufacturers need to consider. Please contact to learn more about the cost savings associated with using Citri-Fi citrus fiber as a tomato extender.

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Organic Citrus Fiber: Nature’s Upcycled Food

The organic food market, including processed foods, continues to grow each year. Food ingredients making up processed foods undergo a rigorous review to be certified organic. Because of this, there are limited natural ingredient options on hand. Citri-Fi® 400 organic citrus fiber is one of very few citrus fibers available. This citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification properties which makes it key to creating organic foods with shelf stability, great taste and natural texture.

The organic food market exploded over the past few decades. What started with a heightened demand for organic fruits and vegetables expanded into other categories such as canned foods, bakery flours, sauces and spices. According to the Organic Trade Association (OTA), the U.S. organic food sales in 2020 grew 12.8% to a new high of $56.4 billion. And about 6 percent of the food sold in the United States was certified organic. However, the U.S. is not alone with demanding more organic foods on the market. This trend streams across the globe in other regions like Europe and Asia Pacific.

Organic food sounds healthy and wholesome, but what does this term actually mean? And why is the status important in consumers’ minds? First off, in the U.S., the term “organic” is governed by the USDA organic standards. These standards include methods that support the cycling of resources. For example, USDA organic means ecological balance and conservation of biodiversity. It forbids the use of synthetic fertilizers, irradiation treatments and genetic engineering. This protocol is important to consumers who value the environment and the ecological system. Consumers also assume they are not only bettering the world around them but their bodies too. Many believe that eating organic equates to healthier choices like consuming foods containing organic citrus fiber.

Certified organic foods go thru a rigorous approval process. Food products like fresh produce are not the only foodstuffs certified. For instance, processed foods also undergo similar validation processes. The food ingredients that make up the processed foods such as savory sauces or baked breads are required to be certified USDA organic before food products can make the claim. Food manufacturers can use permutations of the organic claim depending on how much of the finished product contains organic ingredients.

Formulating with Organic Food Ingredients

Formulating organic processed foods can be challenging. Product developers work with a set of parameters such as clean label and natural when creating new organic food products. Many food ingredients that are certified organic and considered clean label, such as some starches and food gums, have limited functionality. As a result, this impacts food product’s shelf stability, taste and texture.

However, today, new functional ingredients are emerging such as organic citrus fiber. This clean label fiber, Citri-Fi 400, is one of very few certified organic citrus fibers available on the market. What makes citrus fiber so special? First off, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Some citrus fibers go thru chemical processes using solvents to strip away impurities. However, this also affects the functionality. Citri-Fi 400 is byproduct from organic citrus fruit processing. This upcycled ingredient goes thru a process free from chemical modifications which preserves the intact native pectin. As a result, this organic citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification.

Organic Citrus Fiber & Food Application Use

These functional benefits improve a variety of food products including meat substitutes, dairy alternatives like plant milks, fruit preparations and sauces. For example, in meat substitutes, Citri-Fi 400 at 0.5% - 2.0% binds water and oil to produce the juicy texture and freeze/thaw stability. In plant-based milks using oat, almond, soy or rice bases, this organic citrus fiber at 0.1% to 0.4% improves viscosity and generates a more natural mouthfeel. When product developers create fruit preparations, Citri-Fi 400 at 1.5% to 2.5% can extend pectin and create improved textures. And this natural fiber at 0.2% to 1.0% thickens, stabilizes emulsions, and/or reduces egg content in a variety of sauces, dressings and condiments.

Besides the functional benefits, this USDA certified organic Citri-Fi 400 comes in several particle sizes. The plant-based fiber series is non-GMO and clean label. For instance, labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural markets. And this fiber does not carry an E-number which benefits regions like Europe.

For more information about the new Citri-Fi 400 organic citrus fiber line, please contact us!

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Dips and Spreads the Good Word – Citrus Fiber

Dips and spreads use several types of stabilizers to bind water and emulsify. However, with ingredient supply chain constraints looming and the growing need for more natural ingredients, manufacturers are seeking alternatives. One natural solution, Citri-Fi® citrus fiber, not only provides the dual functionality, but also, cleans up label declarations in a variety of foods like salsa, hummus and cheese dips.

Hosting a party is not complete without a smorgasbord of dips and spreads to go with your chips and crackers. Dips range from dairy-based like sour cream to bean-based like hummus. Over the past few years, this category experienced a surge of innovation. For instance, the clean label movement spurred many foods to contain more natural ingredients with shorter listings. The plant-based trend drove new innovation in dairy-free or dairy alternative options. And to minimize consumer fatigue, new flavors and seasoning options emerged including bold ethnic flavor profiles.

Challenges in Dips and Spreads Formulations

Despite the popularity of dips and spreads, they do face their own set of challenges behind the scenes. For example, some of these dip ingredients are encountering availability issues. Typical shortages affecting dip formulations include workhorse food ingredients like starches and food gums. However, replacing these stabilizers pose a challenge since many functional ingredients have their limitations. Because of this, product developers explore a systems approach to replace one ingredient.

Another challenging area involves dairy-free or dairy alternative dip formulations. For instance, dairy proteins in conventional dips bind water and emulsify. In dairy-based dips, the water releases over time causing syneresis. As a result, stabilizers such as starches and food gums are typically incorporated. However, some of these ingredients risk food labeling issues – not consumer friendly.

Dipping into the Citrus Fiber Solution

Another option is to use alternative functional ingredients like citrus fiber. However, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Today, the market offers several citrus fibers which differentiate themselves by their raw material, composition and their processing. Some citrus fibers provide limited functionality due to low pectin content making them more fit as a fortifying dietary fiber. Other citrus fibers stem from byproduct of the pectin extraction process. Because of this, they are exposed to solvents and potentially other agents to make the finished product.

Alternatively, Citri-Fi citrus fiber is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing process using a process free from chemical modifications. This natural process preserves the citrus fiber’s composition how nature intended. Citri-Fi contributes over 70% dietary fiber with almost half containing soluble fiber in the form of native intact pectin. The natural composition and process opens up the fiber to provide high water holding and emulsification properties. This dual functionality creates high quality natural dips and spreads.

Citrus Fiber Usage Guidelines Spread

Citri-Fi 100 product line’s low usage level, less than 1%, binds the water and provides emulsification properties if oil or fat are present. Typically, this natural ingredient is added to dry ingredients before the liquid phase. This helps with uniform dispersion. If high shear is available, product developers can add the Citri-Fi to water under agitation. Lastly, this citrus fiber can be mixed into oil first before mixing with water to create an emulsion.

For example, Citri-Fi can be used between 0.3% and 0.7% in dairy-free dips containing plant-based protein bases to bind up loose water. This minimizes syneresis over shelf-life. Another potential dip application entails product developers trying to extend dip ingredients for cost savings. For instance, in hummus dips, garbanzo bean (chickpea) bases or tahini can be extended using Citri-Fi citrus fiber to help reduce costs. Typically, garbanzo beans bind water and emulsify naturally. However, these functionalities lessen with reduced levels.

Citrus Fiber: Clean Label and Available

Citri-Fi’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which all resonate well in the natural markets. This upcycled ingredient is also non-GMO project certified, allergen-free and gluten-free. And because Citri-Fi has no e-number, regions like Europe benefit from using it in E-free food and beverages. In addition, Fiberstar just recently launched the USDA certified organic version – Citri-Fi 400 series. This new organic product line provides similar functional benefits – water holding and emulsification properties – to the flagship 100 series.

For more information, please contact us.

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Upcycled Citrus Fiber Debuts at SupplySide West

Fiberstar, Inc. will be exhibiting at SupplySide West 2022 which attracts attendees globally to meet and greet food ingredient suppliers promoting their innovation in food, beverage and supplements. Amongst the exhibitors, Fiberstar will showcase its Citri-Fi® upcycled citrus fiber which improves the texture and labeling of a variety of foods.

SupplySide West lassos together food ingredient companies serving the food, beverage and dietary supplement markets. Among these customers, many participate in the fast growing natural, organic and functional food segments. Though historically, this show catered to those within dietary supplements. Today, this show attracts attendees globally who seek innovative solutions such as upcycled citrus fiber for functional food and beverages.

Fiberstar, Inc. will exhibit at this upcoming show at booth #2259. The team will showcase its flagship Citri-Fi citrus fiber which is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing process. Besides the fact that this upcycled ingredient supports a sustainable story, it also provides multi-functionalities including water holding and emulsification. As a result, this natural food ingredient benefits a variety of food applications including beverages, nutritional bars and gummy-based supplements. 

Boosting Beverages

Citri-Fi citrus fiber improves various beverage types including ready-to-drink (RTD) beverages, powdered drinks and smoothies. The water holding feature of the insoluble/soluble fiber enhances the mouthfeel and texture of powdered drinks. And due to the high surface area, Citri-Fi serves as a dry plating agent holding up to 25% oil to turn liquids into flowable powders. This same fibrous matrix also contributes some thickness which allows it to extend fruit and/or vegetables in smoothies or juice nectars in addition to improving the mouthfeel.

Bringing up the Bar

Today, the market offers a plethora of nutritional bars. Many of these bars require water holding agents to help minimize dryness which adversely affects the stability and texture. At less than 1% usage rate, this upcycled citrus fiber can be incorporated into bars keeping them soft and pliable to prevent teeth cracking. This applies to bar coatings, fillings and bases. For example, Citri-Fi improves the texture and freshness of a baked coating in addition to its fruit filling.

Going Gummy

Analysts predict that the gummy market is growing leaps and bounds making it the new frontier for supplements. The gummy format grew in popularity due to its sugary appeal and chewy texture which eases edibility versus swallowing traditional tablets. Today, supplement manufacturers have convinced consumers there is a solution for every human ailment. And that solution comes in the form of a gummy. However, due to recent current events, the hydrocolloids (pectin, gelatin, modified starches, alginate, etc.) that form gummies still struggle with availability. As a result, other ingredients such as upcycled citrus fiber provide formulators a clean label alternative.

Since Citri-Fi citrus fiber contains high levels of intact native pectin, it can be used to extend some hydrocolloids in gummy formulations. Or this natural citrus fiber can be used in conjunction with other hydrocolloids to create similar textures. And because Citri-Fi qualifies as a dietary fiber under the FDA guidelines, it also contributes fiber on the nutritional label.

Upcycled Citrus Fiber Added Benefits

Besides benefitting health and wellness foods, Citri-Fi’s dual functionality also improves a variety of foods including dairy, bakery, pet food and plant-based foods like meat substitutes and dairy alternatives.

Non-GMO Project Certified  |  Allergen-free  |  Gluten-free  |  No E-number  |  Organic (coming soon!)

Learn more how Citri-Fi can help your food products by contacting us!


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Serving up Plant-based Sausage – Citrus Fiber

Sausage is a popular indulgence globally. Because of this manufacturers try to create their own plant-based sausages. Challenges include soft, mushy texture and oil purge. However, Citri-Fi® TX, a larger granular citrus fiber complements formulations to enhance the meat-like and firm texture. At 2% usage level, this natural ingredient improves the texture, taste and clean labeling.

Sausages are a favorite staple in many regions of the world. In the U.S., they pop up in a variety settings including backyard BBQs, festivals, sport stadiums, and state fairs. They are the perfect carriers when it comes to seasonings, flavors and even vegetable or fruit inclusions. As a result, they fit in any meal -morning, noon or night. Because of the popularity, many manufacturers tend to create their own plant-based sausage versions to offer the market more options.

However, producing a plant-based sausage comes with challenges. Animal-based sausages tend to be firm, meaty and slightly chewy due to the ratio of animal meat and fat chopped and formed together. The utopia combination is difficult to simulate using typical plant-based ingredients such as vegetable proteins, hydrocolloids and gluten. Many times, the sausage alternatives produce a soft and non-chewy bite. Depending on the formulation, some plant-based sausages purge oil which dries out the inner texture and in return reduces the flavor. Creating that comparable animal-based taste and texture using plant-based ingredients is the unicorn dilemma in formulating.

Meaty Plant-based Sausage using Texturized Citrus Fiber

There are many plant-based sausages on the market. And some come close to their animal-based counterparts. However, they still need that pinch of magic to improve their meat-like texture and firmness. This is where citrus fiber can make a big difference. Yet, not every citrus fiber is the same. Citrus fibers differ by pectin content, insoluble/soluble fiber composition and particle size. Most citrus fibers on the market are offered in small particle sizes. Those types may be great at holding water and emulsifying if they have high pectin content like the Citri-Fi 100 citrus fiber series. Though this may improve the juiciness, these small particle sizes rarely create the meat-like texture.

On the other hand, a larger sized granular citrus fiber, like Citri-Fi TX, enhances plant-based sausage’s meat-like texture and firmness. This natural ingredient complements other hydrocolloids. At the same time, Citri-Fi TX is not used to replace texturized plant protein which typically serves as the base of the food product. This texturizing citrus fiber is typically added to the dry ingredients like flavor, salt or sugar and then hydrated. Additional steps include shear and mixing with other ingredients to form an emulsion. If interested in a starting formulation and methods, please contact us for more details.

In the end, Citri-Fi TX at 2% produces a firmer and more meat-like texture. According to the Texture Analyzer results, using Citri-Fi TX increases the compression by 38% versus using no Citri-Fi TX. As a result, this demonstrates how Citri-Fi TX increases the firmness of the product. And sensory comparisons also indicate that Citri-Fi TX improves the meaty chew.

Additional Plant-based Benefits

Besides the meat-like texture and firmness, Citri-Fi TX provides additional benefits. This upcycled citrus fiber is produced from the citrus juicing process. Producing this food ingredient uses no chemical modifications which sets this citrus fiber apart from others on the market. Citri-Fi TX is non-allergenic, gluten-free and has no e-number which is desired by regions like Europe. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which all resonate well in the clean label markets.

To learn more about this plant-based sausage, please contact us.

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Formulating Plant-based Foods 3 Ways: Citrus Fiber

Environmental, health and animal welfare triggered an explosion of plant-based food products. At the same time, foods such as milks, meats, ice creams, creamers, cheese and yogurts come with their own challenges and solutions. Besides stability and texture, the market demands cleaner labels. As a result, ingredients such as Citri-Fi® citrus fiber emerged to provide the market a highly functional clean label option. This upcycled citrus fiber provides water holding and emulsification when formulating plant-based foods. As a result, these functionalities provide stability and more natural mouthfeel and texture with cleaner labels.

Free-from, fake, faux, replacements, substitutions and alternatives are just a few descriptors thrown around when referring to non-meat and non-dairy food products. The hot plant-based food trend continues to spur this lexicon exercise. Today, consumers choose a plant-based diet on their set of values and beliefs which vary from person to person. For instance, some are concerned with the environmental impact, the carbon foot print and sustainability when purchasing foods. Others believe that the plant-based diet will curb them from onset diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and hypertension. And some do not believe in slaughtering animals when there are other protein options available today. Regardless the reason, the industry is in full throttle formulating plant-based foods.

Plant-based Foods: Types and Formats

Decades ago, companies sold ground up vegetables and legumes in the form of vegetarian patties. Today, the market offers a variety of plant-based formats such as milks, meats, creamers, meals, ice cream, yogurts, butter, RTD beverages, bars, dressings and eggs. According to the Plant-based Foods Association, the largest market share includes milk ($2.5B) and meats ($1.4B). (SPINS, 2021) And the fastest growing categories consists of eggs (42%), creamers (33%) and RTD beverages (22%). (SPINS, 2021) Yet, all these plant-based categories come with challenges and solutions when formulating plant-based foods.

Formulator tool boxes evolved over the years to include several ingredients including starches, food gums and plant-based proteins. Yet, today, product developers are seeking more natural and clean label ingredients that provide multiple functionalities. Citrus fiber is one ingredient that meets those parameters. However, not all citrus fibers are the same. These fibers vary depending on their process and composition. For example, Citri-Fi is an upcycled citrus fiber that is produced from a process free from chemical modifications. The composition consists of insoluble fiber, soluble fiber (mostly pectin) and some protein. Because of this, Citri-Fi provides a high degree of functionality – water holding and emulsification – at low usage levels (<1%).

Below lists how Citri-Fi citrus fiber creates stability and natural texture when formulating plant-based foods:

Plant-based Milks

Plant-based milks typically use a variety of bases including oats, soy, almond and coconut. Commercial products tend to use stabilizers to help suspend fortifying ingredients and to create a fuller mouthfeel. However, some of these stabilizers fall suspect in terms of clean label.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber provides not only a full body mouthfeel but also stability when used at less than 1% with homogenization. Because of this, other stabilizers are not needed. As a result, labeling stays clean since Citri-Fi’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour.

Meat Substitutes

Formulating meat substitutes are trickier. First, meat alternatives come in a variety of formats such as patties, nuggets, sausages and deli cuts. Each format requires different processes and textures. Secondly, the market demands cleaner labels. As a result, product developers steer away from ingredients like methylcellulose which originally was the poster child ingredient when creating meat-like plant-based meats.

Today, the industry offers several new solutions including Citri-Fi citrus fiber. For instance, Citri-Fi 100 series, at <1% usage, provides the emulsification which produces the juiciness and succulence. And the Citri-Fi TX, at 2-4% usage, creates the meat-like texture. When used together, they provide binding and firmer texture. At the same time, when they are used in conjunction with plant proteins like potato or canola, the synergies allow formulators to create methylcellulose-free meat substitutes.

Dairy-free Ice Cream

Again, dairy-free ice cream uses a variety of bases like plant milks. To prevent ice crystallization, these non-dairy ice creams require stabilizers. Without them, the ice crystals compromise the texture creating a sandy and crunchy mouthfeel. On the other hand, some stabilizers lack the water binding during freeze/thaw conditions. As a result, the texture takes on a gummy mouthfeel.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber may not be top-of-mind in frozen dairy-free ice creams. However, this natural ingredient binds water and oil/fats tightly, at <1% usage, even during freeze/thaw conditions. The lack of ice crystallization creates ice creams with a creamy and smooth mouthfeel. And this natural citrus fiber cleans up labels which resonates well in the natural markets.

In addition to the above, Citri-Fi’s high functionality also plays a role when formulating plant-based foods such as creamers, dairy desserts, cheeses, yogurts, bars, dressings and eggs. Citri-Fi is non-allergenic, gluten-free and Non-GMO Project certified. This natural citrus fiber also has no E-number. To learn more about Citri-Fi’s functionalities within plant-based products, please contact us.

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Gluten-free Ingredients: Next Generation Challenges & Solutions

Gluten-free bakery products continue to be in demand. Though first generation baked goods had superior taste and texture, they lacked nutritional enhancement. As a result, newer versions used new gluten-free ingredients such as plant-based proteins, enzymes, nutritional oils and fibers. Because of this, formulators managed new sets of challenges. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber is a multi-functional ingredient ideal for gluten-free formulating. This natural ingredients binds oil and water which provides moisture retention, binding, improved freshness, emulsification and freeze/thaw stability in a variety of baked goods.

Back in 2005 during my R&D days, gluten-free bakery became the next new hot wave for food formulators. Working in R&D meant you joined sensory panel evaluations or bakery cuttings. And at that time, my bakery team produced never ending rounds of gluten-free breads using a cocktail of starches, gums and gluten-free flours. The polarizing results teetered between a mouth full of sawdust to teeth encased with gummy dough. As a result, formulating with gluten-free ingredients reverted my bakery team to ground zero.

At that time, the goal was to create a gluten-free food that was edible and tasted good. That meant using gluten-free ingredients not typically found in a baker’s toolbox. However, over time, bakers churned out high quality acceptable gluten-free bakery products. Yet, today, gluten-free still faces a few challenges including lack of nutrition. Because formulators primarily focused on taste and texture, they used gluten-free ingredients consisting of lower amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber versus their gluten-containing counterparts. For instance, first generation formulations contained starches and food gums minus the fortification. Though the market found safe products to eat, they lacked the nutritious and wholesome diet.

However, today, the gluten-free category continues to thrive. Besides Celiac’s disease, gluten and wheat intolerances and allergies, other trendy diets such as paleo, keto and FODMAP spurred further demand for gluten-free products. At the same time, formulating evolved into a more sophisticated task. The toolbox expanded to equip formulators with a variety of plant-based proteins, enzymes, nutritional oils, fibers and formulating techniques. The revised ingredient toolbox and trendy diet fads also created new formulating challenges. Product developers ran into issues with binding, emulsification, moisture retention, crumb formation and structure. Yet, despite the nuisances, there is one gluten-free ingredient formulators needed to add to their gluten-free toolbox – citrus fiber.

Next Generation Gluten-free Ingredients

Citrus fiber, such as Citri-Fi, serves as an ideal functional fiber used in gluten-free formulating. However, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Some citrus fiber suppliers pull byproduct from their pectin extraction processes which at times limits their functionality due to their composition. On the other hand, citrus fibers like Citri-Fi, are upcycled materials created from byproduct of the citrus juicing process. As a result, this citrus fiber’s composition does not change. It remains how nature intended it to be. Citri-Fi consists of insoluble and soluble fiber in the form of pectin. The high concentration of intact native pectin gives this citrus fiber the multi-functionality which is key in gluten-free formulating.

Citrus Fiber's Multi-functionality at Work

Many gluten-free bakery formulations use ingredients that do not provide much viscosity. A popular work around is to use food gums or pregel starches. However, due to Citri-Fi citrus fiber’s fibrous composition, it contributes thickness when hydrated. As a result, this helps thicken up the dough, which typically is more like a batter when working with gluten-free ingredients, and makes handling easier. Formulators typically add Citri-Fi to the dry ingredients such as flour, salt and sugar first before combining with the liquids.

Another key benefit Citri-Fi provides is moisture retention. The citrus fiber’s fibrous matrix traps water and holds onto it at low usage levels (<1%). As a result, this improves the gluten-free breads freshness over time. And because many gluten-free products are typically frozen and slacked out later to minimize staling, Citri-Fi can bind the water and prevent it from migrating during the freeze/thaw process.

Because gluten-free falls under the non-allergenic umbrella, formulators are sometimes tasked to veer away from other allergenic ingredients such as egg, soy and dairy. As a result, they seek out natural emulsifiers to improve the crust and cell formation of the gluten-free bakery products. Citri-Fi citrus fiber binds oil and water in these type of systems. So, depending on the formulation, Citri-Fi, which is non-allergenic, can be used as a natural emulsifier in gluten-free bakery products such as breads, muffins and cakes.

Boosting Nutrition via Fiber

Lastly, as mentioned in the beginning, gluten-free products lack a solid nutritional profile. Using Citri-Fi citrus fiber helps contribute some dietary fiber to the nutritional panel. Though the fiber contribution is limited due to the lower usage level, this citrus fiber can be used with other plant-based fibers to help boost up the fiber content. This gluten-free ingredient’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label and natural markets.


Please contact us to learn more about citrus fiber in gluten-free bakery products.

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Bakery Fillings: Converting to Clean Label

Limited ingredient supply and clean label trends triggered bakers to reconsider their bakery filling stabilizer strategy. Today, there are alternative options including Citri-Fi® citrus fiber which provides high water holding and emulsification. As a result, this food ingredient improves stability, natural texture and food labeling at low usage levels (<1%) in bakery fillings.

What is more decadent than biting into a warm donut with filling oozing over your lips? This fond memory stems back from childhood days and forward into adulthood. Bakery fillings come in a variety of flavors and textures including cream, chocolate, fruit and nut-based. This gives bakers a palette of options which make the combinations endless. However, bakers also use stabilizers to improve the filling’s stability and texture.

For instance, fruit fillings typically contain added pectin to thicken and gel. Also, bakers incorporate modified starches which provide viscosity, heat tolerance and freeze/thaw stability. For years, bakers leaned on these hydrocolloids to solve their texture and stability challenges. However, some market trends such as limited food ingredient supply, clean label and more natural textures are driving the need for new solutions.

Trends Shaping the Fill

The aftermath of COVID is still playing out in the global supply chains. Because of this, some food ingredients are limited in availability including modified starches. Larger food companies’ buying power may protect them from these shortages. On the other hand, medium to smaller players have no choice but to seek alternative ingredients.

Another market trend predominant today involves natural and clean labeling. Consumers read food declarations more than before. And their decision-making is based on what sounds familiar and safe to them. Initially, consumers frowned on food ingredient names that were not typical pantry staples. Now, this includes other ingredients including modified starches. Any words associated with chemicals fall suspect. And in other parts of the world, consumers veer away from E-number ingredients like pectins, modified starches and food gums. As a result, the market demands more natural ingredients for bakery fillings.

Citrus Fiber Functionality in Clean Label Bakery Fillings

One natural solution for bakery foods entails using citrus fiber. However, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Some citrus fibers are byproduct of the pectin extraction process which produces less functionality. Others are upcycled material from the juicing industry. Citri-Fi is a natural citrus fiber created from the citrus juicing process. The mechanical process, which is free from chemical modifications, produces a fiber that contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber portion consists of high amounts of intact native pectin. As a result, this natural food ingredient provides high water holding and emulsification properties.

At low usage levels (<1%), Citri-Fi provides thickness and heat stability. It binds the water to prevent separation and blow-outs in enrobed baked goods. Also, this upcycled ingredient creates more natural textures in cream, fruit and chocolate-based bakery fillings. Another key benefit is freeze/thaw stability. Citri-Fi binds the water tightly. As a result, minimal water migrates during frozen storage.

In fruit fillings, Citri-Fi can be used up to 2% to produce the gelling texture in low pH and high Brix processing conditions. Citri-Fi not only improves the texture and stability, but also, this citrus fiber creates clean label bakery fillings. Citri-Fi’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour.

Benefits in Other Baked Goods

Because of the dual functionality, Citri-Fi also benefits other baked goods such as breads, muffins, cakes and cookies. The water binding retains moisture so that the bakery item remains fresh over longer time. Additionally, Citri-Fi’s emulsification properties help it to partially replace egg and/or oil content without comprising quality.

Citri-Fi is non-allergenic and gluten-free which is ideal for gluten-free baking. Also, this natural ingredient is non-GMO project certified and has no E-number. These attributes make this citrus fiber an ideal clean label ingredient for bakery fillings and other baked goods.

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Plant Based Pizza: Piece by Piece

Plant based pizzas contain multiple components including the crust, sauce, dairy-free cheese and plant-based meat. Each ingredient faces its own formulating challenges. However, plant-based ingredients like Citri-Fi® citrus fiber binds the water and emulsifies to alleviate stability and texture issues.

Someone told me once that pizza is the ultimate food. It contains all 5 food groups: fruits/vegetables, starch, dairy, protein and fat. In product development classes, pizza was the go-to meal when creating portable snacks, feeding a family of five and nourishing those in need. Although pizza is a quick and easy morsel for the consumer, the complexity spins most food developers heads when it comes to plant-based pizzas.

Pizza is comprised of multiple components including the crust, sauce, cheese and protein toppings. When combined together, water and oil, when not bound, tend to migrate in different directions. Throw in refrigeration and freeze/thaw storage, pizza stability and texture risks quality issues. Plant based pizzas are not exempted from these dilemmas. These products tend to have their own challenges.

Building the Foundation: Pizza Crust and Sauce

For instance, pizza crust serves as the foundation. Today, there are a variety of crusts available catering to various diet requirements such as gluten-free, keto and low-carb. Many of the base flours used do not contain gluten. Because of this the pizza crust lacks binding. Crusts tend to crack and separate or turn soggy depending on the flour bases used. Some of these bases such as starch-based gluten-free flours or cauliflower need binding power to hold it all together.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber, at <1% usage level, holds a lot of water especially in bakery products like pizza crusts. This natural ingredient works synergistically with starches and gums to create a pizza crust that stands up in heat. Citri-Fi shines most in freeze/thaw conditions. This citrus fiber binds the water to prevent water migration during freeze/thaw cycles. As a result, the pizza crust remains intact and produces a tender bite after baking.

Another component of plant based pizzas that tend to use water and oil binders is sauce. Although red sauce is the gold standard, today the culinary world introduced everyone to new sauce options. The market now offers pesto, white cheese and even butternut squash sauces. And like the conventional red sauce, these sauces require viscosity and stability to maintain texture. Citri-Fi citrus fiber’s water holding and emulsification at <1% usage level stabilizes the sauce while creating the natural thick texture. And because of its functional benefits, it keeps the water and oil in the sauce instead of leaking into the crust and toppings. Due to the recent starch and food gum supply limitations, Citri-Fi is an ideal substitute.

Dairy-free Pizza Cheese - Meltability

The crust and sauce typically are plant based. The more challenging components of a pizza are dairy-free cheeses and plant-based meats. Dairy-free cheeses do not contain animal-based casein which creates that gooey meltable texture when heated. Because of this, plant-based cheeses have limited melt-ability. This significantly affects not only the visual but also the mouthfeel and texture. Developers combine a melting pot of ingredients (no pun intended) such as starches, food gums, plant proteins and fibers to improve shred, spread and melt.

One solution available includes Citri-Fi when used at <1%. As mentioned, this natural ingredient binds water and emulsifies. As a result, the cheese holds onto the water and oil during refrigeration to prevent water migration or oil purge. Citri-Fi can also work synergistically with other plant-based ingredients to create a smooth and melt-able plant cheese.

Plant-based Meats Texture the Top

Lastly, plant-based meats topped on pizzas typically are pepperoni or sausage bites. Pepperoni meat alternatives tend to lack moisture and fall apart. Using the Citri-Fi 100 line at <1%, developers can create pepperoni slices that bind the water which improves the stability and moist texture. On the other hand, sausage bites typically have soft texture and lack the chew similar to their animal-based counterparts. When using Citri-Fi TX texturizing citrus fiber, product developers can create sausage pieces with more meat-like texture. The Citri-Fi 100 line can also be used in conjunction with Citri-Fi TX to bind the water and oil to produce the succulence.

In the end, Citri-Fi citrus fiber is a versatile formulating tool for plant based pizzas. This natural ingredient’s ability to hold water and emulsification, solves many challenges when creating the crust, sauce, dairy-free cheese and meat alternatives.

Citri-Fi is non-GMO Project certified, gluten-free and allergen-free. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label market. Citri-Fi also have no E-number which is favorable in food markets like Europe.

For information about creating plant based pizzas, please contact us.

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Drink up! Pulp Replacement Beverage Ingredients

During market fluctuations, beverage processors look for cost saving strategies such as using pulp replacement beverage ingredients. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber, due to its intact soluble and insoluble fiber, mirrors pulp texture and enhances body of a variety of beverages including fruit nectars, juices, smoothies, instant drinks and meal replacements.

Fruit pulp, a natural texturizer, gives juice beverages the body and mouthfeel that consumers expect. This fruit fraction creates multiple textures. For instance, juicers extract liquid and pulp together to create an orange bliss. And whole fruit including pulp is whipped using a high sheer blender to make a frothy smoothie. In food processing, fruit pulp is often added back into fruit juices. However, when the markets fluctuate, fruit or vegetables may swing in price. As a result, processors look for pulp replacement beverage ingredients which are more cost effective than using fruit pulp itself.

Many beverage types use pulp such as fruit nectars, juices, smoothies, instant drinks and even meal replacements. To replace pulp, processors look for ingredients that resemble the fruit pulp itself such as fruit or vegetable fibers. This strategy not only keeps label declarations simple, but also it connects with the consumer. Other options include using starches or food gums. Though these type of ingredients create additional viscosity, they fall short on the pulp-like texture. And due to the clean label movement, modified starches and some food gums fall under scrutiny.

Pulp Replacement Ingredients Go Fruity

Citri-Fi, an upcycled citrus fiber, is derived from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. The mechanical process is free from chemical modifications and keeps the fibrous structure intact like nature intended. The composition includes both soluble (in the form of pectin) and insoluble fiber. Because of this, the fibrous structure mirrors fruit pulp. As a result, processors can use Citri-Fi as a pulp replacement beverage ingredient to add back the pulpy texture and enhance the body.

Processors can add this natural ingredient to the dry ingredients such as sugar before adding to the liquid ingredients. Another option suggests adding Citri-Fi to the liquids using a high shear blender. Recommended usage levels range between 0.3% to 1.0%.

Besides the textural benefits, Citri-Fi also improves the labeling. This natural ingredient’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label market. Citri-Fi is also non-GMO Project certified, gluten-free, allergen-free and has no e-number. Additionally, this natural ingredient contributes fiber to the nutritional label.

Case Study: Mango Nectar and Citrus Fiber

During a time of high mango pricing, a customer requested Citri-Fi citrus fiber to replace some of the mango pulp in a nectar drink. Citri-Fi was incorporated into the sugar at 0.37% of the total formulation and then added to the liquid phase (water and mango pulp). Due to Citri-Fi’s water holding and thickening power, the customer added 4% more water to target a specific pulpy texture. In other words, Citri-Fi to water ratio equated to (1:13). Using this strategy, the customer replaced 15% of the mango pulp. Pulp replacement beverage ingredients like Citri-Fi citrus fiber make it possible for processors to not only save money but also deliver pulpy texture and enhanced body.

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