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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber is an Egg Reduction Solution that is clean label

Egg Reduction – A Half Dozen Solutions

Several market drivers including better-for-you foods, Avian flu and plant-based diets are creating a demand for egg reduction solutions. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber provides water holding and emulsification properties similar to egg which benefits a variety of foods including cookies, cakes, pancakes, creamy sauces, mayonnaise spreads and meat loaf products.

Replacing eggs again? Haven’t we boogied to this Chicken Dance already? Egg replacement is not a new phenomena in the food world. For instance, replacement technologies have gussied up ingredient  portfolios for over two decades now. These egg reduction solutions were peddled in the market for various reasons. Years ago, cholesterol earned a bad rap. So, consumers demanded healthier products minus the egg. Then, the Avian flu plagued the flocks driving an egg shortage. Next, the plant-based food wave eliminated any animal-based ingredients including egg. And now, the market is back to grappling with the Avian flu again.

Among the drivers to reduce egg usage, the Avian flu is creating the most chaos. For example, the outbreak is limiting egg availability which is driving the price thru the roof. Because of this, formulators are back at the bench looking for egg reduction solutions. Replacing this commodity is more than an elbow test. According to the Incredible Egg Organization, there are over 20 properties eggs provide. As a result, replacing eggs successfully depends on the food product and the replacement technology. At the same time, the market has a few replacement options available. One solution involves citrus fiber.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. The process, which is free from chemical modifications, opens up the fibrous matrix to give its high water holding and emulsification properties. Because of this composition, Citri-Fi can be used as an egg reduction solution for a variety of food products including bakery items, sauces and dressings.

Bakery: Water and Oil Binding is in the Proof

Eggs are typically used in cookies primarily for the emulsification properties. This muscle ingredient binds the butter and/or oil to the liquids to create a uniform and tender texture. Reducing or omitting eggs adversely affects the overall quality. For example, cookies tend to be dense, crumbly and dry. The spread is limited and accompanied by a grainy undissolved sugary texture.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber, at low usage levels (<1%), provides the emulsification properties which maintains the tender bite and perception of freshness over time when replacing up to 25% of eggs. This also applies to baked goods such as pancakes, layer cakes and cupcakes.

In bakery products like cakes, Citri-Fi can extend the eggs and also partially reduce oil content. This natural ingredient’s ability to bind water aids in creating the full-fat mouthfeel when oil is reduced. And because of the fibrous composition, the bound water remains locked in over time giving the perception of freshness. Citri-Fi can be used in both conventional and gluten-free bakery products as an egg reduction solution.

Mayonnaise Spreads: Citrus Fiber is an Egg-cellent Emulsifier

Another key area for Citri-Fi’s emulsification power involves mayonnaise dressings. Mayonnaise typically contains vegetable oil, water, sugar, vinegar, egg yolks, salt and mustard. The egg yolks bind the vegetable oil and aqueous liquids when sheared to create a uniform stable mixture.

Due to Citri-Fi citrus fiber’s emulsification properties, this natural food ingredient can reduce or replace eggs in mayonnaise spreads. Some spreads use modified starches which provide similar functional benefits. However, this upcycled citrus fiber, at low usage levels (<1%), sets up a stable emulsion which does not break over time. Also, Citri-Fi creates a smooth and full-fat mouthfeel while supporting a clean label. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour.

Besides mayonnaise spreads, Citri-Fi can reduce egg content in other types of sauces like Hollandaise, Caesar dressing, custard-type and pastry cream. The level of reduction highly depends on the type of food product and ingredients used. If other hydrocolloids are used in the formulations, then Citri-Fi can aid in reducing significantly more egg content than using Citri-Fi alone.

Meat Loaf: Managing Moisture

Chopped and formed meat products like meat loaf use eggs to bind the ingredients and add moisture. During the cooking process, the moisture is bound to the egg to prevent dryness. When egg content is reduced or eliminated, formed meat products tend to dry out and fall apart.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber, when used at low usage levels (<1%), binds the water during the cooking process. As a result, the meat loaf remains moist and tender post-cook. To incorporate, add the citrus fiber to the dry ingredients like herbs, spices and salt before mixing in liquids. The order of addition and mixing optimizes Citri-Fi’s full functionality in an egg reduction solution.

Besides egg reduction, Citri-Fi has other pluses. The product line is non-GMO Project certified, allergen-free and gluten-free. Now, there is a USDA certified organic line available – Citri-Fi 400. The 100, 400 and 600 series have no E-number which is key in regions like Europe.

The Future of Formulating with Egg Extenders  

Will the egg market return to normal this year? The jury is out on this drama. However, the fact that viruses have interrupted the markets more than once over the years serves as a hint. With this in mind, companies have the opportunity to utilize egg reduction technologies as a strategy to minimize cost and risk in supply. Though there are several egg reduction solutions on the market, Citri-Fi citrus fiber stands out due to its upcycled, sustainable and clean label narrative.

To learn more about egg reduction solutions, please contact us.

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Bakery Fillings - Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Thickener, Stability, Creamy Texture, Egg Reduction, Clean Label

Perfecting the Pumpkin Pie Filling – Citrus Fiber

Pumpkin spice takes center stage when the Fall season hits. Though used in a variety of foods, the spice blend originated from the pumpkin pie which is a staple during the holiday season in the U.S. However, commercial pumpkin pies fall victim to stability and texture issues due to water migration over time. One option is to use the new Citri-Fi® 600 citrus fiber, a neutral flavored citrus fiber which provides water holding, emulsification and viscosity. As a result, when used at low usage levels (<1%) in pumpkin pie filling, this natural ingredient minimizes cracking, shrinking and weeping.

Tis the season when baristas whip up frothy pumpkin spice lattes and shoppers restock their pantries with pumpkin spice everything. Over the years, pumpkin spice penetrated almost every food group including beer, cookies, candy and even butters. This flavor trend evolved into a tradition which marks the dawn of a new season. Despite pumpkin spice’s trendiness, its popularity originated in the traditional pumpkin pie filling.

Pumpkin Pie Filling Pitfalls

As soon as Fall arrives in the U.S., every baker is pumping out fresh pumpkin pies. And like most shelf-stable foods, pies fall victim of stability issues. Over time, water migration causes water to pool on the surface. As a result, the pie tends to form cracks. And with enough water movement, shrinking causes the edges to pull away and the loose moisture turns the crust soggy. These unalluring visuals could sway any customers to alternatives like apple pie.

Most pumpkin pies rely on egg to bind the water and oil which minimizes the weeping. However, depending on the pie formulation, egg alone cannot prevent water migration. And because of egg availability issues and price fluctuations, some producers try to reduce the egg content as a cost savings strategy. This further reduces the egg functionality causing water binding issues. Some workarounds include applying a gel-based surface coating containing different hydrocolloids to mask the weeping and prevent cracking. However, this technique does not address the soggy crust. Another option is to add water binding ingredients such as modified starches, alginates or food gums to the filling.

Egg Reduction & Clean Label

Another solution is to incorporate citrus fiber. The new Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber line is recommended for bakery fillings such as pumpkin pie filling. At low usage levels (<1%), this neutral flavored citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification properties in addition to high viscosity. Because of this, water is bound to prevent the cracking, shrinking and weeping. Moreover, Citri-Fi can also improve the stability and texture of the pie when eggs are reduced. For instance, bakers can reduce eggs up to at least 50% when using 1% of Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber.

Citri-Fi is easily incorporated into the pie formulation by mixing it with the dry ingredients such as spices, salt or sugar. This step is key before introducing the liquids such as pumpkin, milk and water. The dry ingredient mix is then added to the wet ingredients to create a uniform mixture.

Using Citri-Fi 600 not only improves the overall quality of the pumpkin pie but it also can help reduce the number of ingredients in the pie formulation. As a result, bakers benefit from cleaner and more natural food labels. Citri-Fi 600’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural food markets.

Other Bakery Filling Benefits using Citrus Fiber

Besides heat stability, Citri-Fi 600 is also freeze/thaw and low pH stable. It is non-GMO Project certified, allergen-free and gluten-free. Citri-Fi 600 also has no e-number which is key for certain regions like Europe. An USDA certified organic version, Citri-Fi 700, will be launching soon.

For more information about Citri-Fi 600 citrus fiber in pumpkin pie filling or other bakery fillings, please contact us.

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Egg Replacement: The Good Egg – Citrus Fiber

The market demands egg replacement options due to price and availability fluctuations, plant-based lifestyle trends and allergen-free food requirements. Though many solutions exist today, Citri-Fi® citrus fiber is one clean label option available to partially replace egg depending on the food product. Due to the citrus fiber’s high water holding and emulsification properties, Citri-Fi works synergistically with other food ingredients such as starches, gums and plant fibers to remove egg entirely.

Real eggs are the workhorse ingredients in the food world. They have so many functions in baked goods including aeration, browning color, binding, humectancy and leavening to improve the texture over shelf-life. Moreover, eggs provide coagulation, coatings, crystallization control and richness to a variety of other foods. Besides the functional benefits, eggs also fortify foods with protein content. So, why would the market demand egg replacement options?

Eggs experience pricing fluctuations like any other food staple. Temporary anomalies such as the current Avian flu create price hikes and supply constraints that affect companies that are not locked into contracts or lack buying power. On the other hand, there are other market dynamics at play that drive the need for egg replacers. For instance, there is a wave of consumers shifting toward a plant-based diet. Because of this, people are looking for animal-free including egg-free foods. Another segment steers away from egg products due to allergen concerns. Typically, if one allergen is avoided such as gluten, other allergens are added to the elimination list. For example, many restaurants are converting over to vegan mayonnaise for food safety and allergen reasons.

A Nest Full of Egg Replacement Options

There have been egg replacers on the market for over 10 years now or more. And they vary amongst different ingredients such as food gums, dairy and wheat proteins, starches, plant fibers and blends of these ingredients. Other types of ingredients also include leaveners, enzymes and emulsifiers. The type of ingredients used highly depends on the food product that the egg is used in. And each ingredient has both pros and cons. For instance, some ingredients are chemically modified, some are considered allergens and some lack nutritional contributions. In the end, egg replacement requires multiple ingredients or a systems approach. Dialing into that exact system is a challenge especially to reach 100% egg replacement.

Citrus Fiber as an Egg Replacer Formulation Tool

As mentioned, some plant fibers provide some of the lost functionality in an eggless food. For example, Citri-Fi citrus fiber is a potential solution. This natural ingredient provides high water holding and emulsification properties similar to eggs. As a result, product developers can reduce the amount of egg in the formulation. And when used with other hydrocolloids, 100% egg replacement may be possible especially in bakery products.

Citri-Fi can partially replace eggs in baked goods including pancakes, cookies, layer cakes and muffins. This citrus fiber extends eggs in bakery fillings like custards too. In both instances, less than 1% will create high quality bakery products. In addition, these baked goods tend to maintain freshness over time improving shelf-life. This natural citrus fiber is added in with the dry ingredients such as flour and sugar before the liquid phase.

This natural ingredient is allergen-free and ideal as a gluten-free bakery ingredient. Many gluten-free products avoid ingredients such as egg, soy, wheat and dairy. These ingredients tend to provide water holding, binding, structure and emulsification to the food. Without using one or more of these food ingredients, the bakery product tends to lose quality. However, Citri-Fi, at <1% usage level, provides moisture retention and oil and water binding to improve the structure and freshness over time.

Yet, Citri-Fi also shines in egg-free spreads such as vegan mayonnaise. This citrus fiber’s high intact pectin content creates an emulsion with the other food ingredients which does not break over time. As a result, the mayonnaise remains uniform and creamy.

If you have additional questions about citrus fiber as a potential egg replacement ingredient, please contact us.

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Bakery Ingredients: 5 ways to use Citrus Fiber

Many bakery ingredients in the industry provide single functionalities to baked goods. On the other hand, natural ingredients like Citri-Fi® citrus fiber provide water holding and emulsification which benefit a variety of bakery items. Bakers gravitate to Citri-Fi for its ability to create baked items that maintain freshness over time which is the gold standard in quality. And due to its natural emulsification, this citrus fiber is the ideal solution to replace certain emulsifiers to clean up labels. Other key areas include plant-based, gluten-free, egg and oil reduction and bakery fillings.

Creating bakery foods is a combination of art and science. Where else can an elbow test measure viscosity or a handful means a cup? Although measuring methods produce the perfect loaf or muffin, bakery ingredients play an equally important role especially on a mass scale. For instance, bakers use additional ingredients not commonly used in home baking to preserve the baked good’s quality during post production, handling and storage.

Citri-Fi is an upcycled natural citrus fiber created from byproduct of the citrus juicing process. This natural ingredient provides high water holding and emulsification properties which benefit a variety of baked goods. For example, citrus fiber offers the following five ways to create stellar bakery items.

1) Moisture Retention and Improve Freshness over Shelf-life

Citri-Fi’s number one use in baked goods is moisture retention. This citrus fiber’s high surface area and high intact pectin content locks in the water. Over time, the native starch slowly releases the water which is then bound to the citrus fiber. Because of this, the natural occurring gluten and citrus fiber retain the moisture which results in the perception of freshness over time. In this case, less is more. At low usage levels, 0.3% to 1.0%, Citri-Fi can be incorporated into the baked good with additional water to improve the overall texture and organoleptic properties.

2) Emulsifier Replacement in Baked Goods

Mass produced breads typically use some sort of emulsifier to improve loaf volume and create softer crumb. However, some emulsifiers such as mono and diglycerides, lecithin, DATEM and SSL are not perceived to be clean label bakery ingredients. And some emulsifiers are considered allergens like those that originate from soybean. Yet, the market offers very few natural replacements.

Citri-Fi at low usage levels, 0.5% to 1.0%, replace lecithin or mono and diglycerides in baked goods while maintaining the shelf-life and eating qualities. This citrus fiber's allergen-free and clean label status makes this attractive. Citri-Fi’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour. These labeling options resonate well in the natural and clean label markets. Please contact us to learn more about our emulsification study which compares Citri-Fi’s superiority over other emulsifiers in the marketplace.

3) Plant-based and Gluten-free Specialty Markets

Gluten-free formulating still exists today. Regardless, the prevalence of certain conditions (e.g. Celiac disease, autoimmune, autism, etc.), drive the need for allergen-free formulating. Gluten-free requirements affected the bakery category the most. As a result, gluten-free and allergen-free bakery goods flooded the market over the last 20 years. However, allergen-free formulating comes with a set of challenges. For instance, many of the base flours do not retain moisture well to keep the structure soft and tender over time. Because of this, bakers prefer natural ingredients such as citrus fiber to bind the water. As a result, the allergen-free bakery items maintain the sense of freshness over shelf-life. Without additional ingredients, these type of bread products would suffer with limited shelf-life and stale texture.

Currently the hottest lifestyle trend, plant-based eating, hit the market quickly. The growing demand is driving bakers to remove animal byproducts such as fats and eggs from their formulations. Once again, this delta creates a slew of challenges for the baker. However, functional bakery ingredients like Citri-Fi can aid in creating high quality and organoleptic pleasing baked goods when animal byproducts are substituted out with other ingredients. Citri-Fi complements the baking system to provide the additional water holding and emulsification properties which are typically compromised when other hydrocolloids or fibers are used to replace animal byproducts.

4) Egg and Oil Reduction Bakery Ingredients

Reducing egg and/or oil requests often pop up. In some regions, formulators reduce these ingredient as a cost savings strategy. In other markets, reducing egg and/or oil improves the nutritional profile of foods. Due to Citri-Fi’s high water holding properties, this natural citrus fiber is essential in creating the moist texture typically when egg and/or oil are present in the formulation. And the natural emulsification properties of the citrus fiber mimics its counterparts to maintain high quality texture. Ultimately, Citri-Fi can reduce egg and oil in bakery formulations while still providing the full-fat mouthfeel which consumers expect.

5) Bakery Filling Texturant and Stabilizer

Many challenges arise when working with bakery fillings. In baked products, fillings need to tolerate the heating and handling while still providing functionality before, during and after the baking process. Since some fillings are low in pH, this too creates an environment where functional bakery ingredients break down. Hence, several factors affect fillings when creating a natural texture.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber’s multi-functional properties tolerate heat and low pH conditions. For instance, this functional ingredient creates natural textures in fruit-based fillings in low and high pH conditions. Citri-Fi can be used “as-is” to generate the gelling textures in high Brix and low pH systems. At the same time, this natural citrus fiber also can generate gelling textures in low Brix and low pH systems. Please contact us to learn more about this new technology.

Another key area where Citri-Fi improves bakery is in filled baked goods. This natural citrus fiber’s high water holding capacity binds the water to prevent blow-outs during the baking process.

There are multiple areas where Citri-Fi citrus fiber benefits bakery products due to its multiple functionalities. Bakers gravitate to this ingredient due to its ability to create freshness over time versus other ingredients, its emulsification properties and its clean label status.

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Improve Your Nutri-Score using Citrus Fiber in Foods

Citri-Fi® functional citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification properties. As result, this natural ingredient improves the Nutri-Score by reducing calories, fat, sugar and salt while contributing fiber. In the end, Citri-Fi not only enhances food and beverage quality but also improves the nutrition label which gives consumers healthier choices.

The Nutri-Score is a type of traffic light system which helps consumers in the EU to choose “healthier” foods. For instance, this scoring system classifies foods and beverages into five groups starting with A (green) to E (red). Food ingredients are ranked from 1 to 10 which is then summed up to calculate a letter grade. It is this letter grade that highlights whether the food is healthy or not. For example, ingredients like sugar, saturated fats and sodium worsens the score. On the other hand ingredients like protein and dietary fiber improves the score. From this nutrition label, consumers quickly discern the nutritional value of the product. Ultimately, this system encourages consumers to pick healthier choices and puts more emphasis on their diet.

Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Positively Affects the Nutri-score

Citri-Fi citrus fiber is produced from upcycled bio-material or byproduct of the citrus juicing process. The patented process which is free from chemical modifications opens up the fiber to provide high water holding and emulsification properties. As a result, these functionalities improve food and beverage products quality and Nutri-score. For instance, at small usage levels (0.2% to 1.0%), Citri-Fi improves the score by reducing calories and fats in addition to creating better textures in salt and/or sugar reduced food products. Additionally, Citri-Fi improves the score by increasing the fiber content of the food and beverage.

Food Products and Improved Nutrition Labels

This citrus fiber benefits various food products. For example, in bakery foods, Citri-Fi’s high water holding and emulsification properties helps reduce fat, oil and/or egg while contributing fiber. Other functional benefits include improved structure and perceived freshness over time. In dairy, ice cream, sauces and dressings, this natural citrus fiber reduces fat and improves texture of sugar-reduced products. While in beverages Citri-Fi improves mouthfeel while contributing fiber. And in meats, this natural food ingredient reduces fat and salt while providing emulsification for good oils.

In the end, removing the unhealthy ingredients from food and beverages at times reduces the product quality. Depending on the formulation, these ingredients provide also functional benefits in addition to their organoleptic contributions. Using natural highly functional fibers like Citri-Fi allows product developers to either replace or reduce those negatively perceived ingredients without compromising product integrity. Moreover, Citri-Fi cleans up the food nutrition label and statement since its labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour.

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5 Way to Create Healthy Food using Citrus Fiber

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber creates high quality healthy food. For instance, this natural citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification properties. As a result, this natural citrus fiber can reduce oil, fat, eggs and add dietary fiber to an array of food products like bakery, beverages, dressings and snacks. 

Creating healthy food today involves subtracting negatively perceived ingredients in addition to adding health promoting elements. For instance, food makers continue to reduce oils and fats in foods. As a result, consumers benefit from lower calories. On the other hand, creating better foods entails removing allergens such as soy, gluten or egg. Regardless, Citri-Fi citrus fiber is an ultimate tool in creating healthier high quality foods. Since this citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification properties, it improves stability, texture and nutrition in a variety of food products.

1.  Increase Fiber Contribution in a Variety of Foods

Today, food makers incorporate dietary fiber to make fiber claims. Since not all fibers are created the same, food manufacturers use more than one fiber type like a cocktail. For instance, some foods use functional fibers like Citri-Fi citrus fiber to provide water holding and emulsification properties. At the same time, formulators add other fibers simply to meet the dietary fiber claim requirements. The beauty of Citri-Fi is that its functional attributes benefit a variety of healthy food while also contributing fiber. For example, this citrus fiber improves mouthfeel and clouding in beverages such as ready-to-drink (RTD) and powdered drinks. And Citri-Fi enhances other foods like nutrition bars, snacks and bakery items.

Also, this functional citrus fiber replaces other ingredients like starches, gums and stabilizers. As a result, Citri-Fi cleans up label declarations while improving the nutritional profile. Citri-Fi's labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour.

2.  Reduce Oil or Fat in Bakery Products

Citri-Fi citrus fiber's high water holding capacity allows bakers to reduce oil and/or fats in baked goods. For instance, when Citri-Fi is used between 0.25% to 1.00% in muffins, cookies or cakes, this natural ingredient retains moisture. As a result, bakery item's freshness factor remains for a longer period time. And this citrus fiber creates a texture that simulates a full-fat mouthfeel which consumers expect. Citri-Fi replaces up to 50% of oil or fat in bakery products without comprising the quality.

3. Remove Egg Products in Dressings and Sauces

Another industry trend is egg-free dressings and sauces which improves the nutritional profile. For instance, dressings like mayonnaise can now be made egg-less without compromising the texture. Citri-Fi citrus fiber's oil and binding power make this happen. Now, these type of products give vegan and vegetarians more options. And due to recent food safety concerns, food services switched to egg-free dressings and sauce food products. Either way, this natural citrus fiber creates a smooth texture that remains stable for long periods of time at low usage levels. 

4.  Minimize Saturated Fats in Meat Alternatives 

Citri-Fi citrus fiber also reduces saturated fats in meat substitution products like meat-free patties. Since many meat alternatives use coconut oil, these products tend to contain high amounts of saturated fats. When Citri-Fi 100 series is used in an emulsion, this natural ingredient allows food makers to use unsaturated oils and at a lower level. At the same time, the meat alternative is juicy and succulent during the cooking process. And to improve the meat-like texture, Fiberstar recently launched Citri-Fi TX. This new citrus fiber provides cold binding which allows food makers to replace binders like gluten. As a result, those formulating without allergens benefit with a clean label binding system.

5.  Improve Gluten-free Food Texture, Nutrition and Quality

Gluten-free continues to be a market need. Initially, first generation foods were loaded with simple carbohydrates with a short shelf-life. However, today, food makers focus on creating higher quality and healthier versions. And manufacturers upgraded to a more wholesome approach to gluten-free food making. Citri-Fi citrus fiber is an ideal solution when creating gluten-free foods. Because this natural citrus fiber holds onto water, gluten-free foods retain moisture longer. As a result, this improves the freshness factor. And because Citri-Fi meets the FDA fiber guidelines, this natural ingredient contributes fiber to the overall nutrition.


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