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BLOG: Creating Different Types of Plant Milk With Citrus Fiber Top 3 FAQ

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber is used in various types of plant milk to improve stability and smooth mouthfeel. The process involves low levels of Citri-Fi (0.2% to 0.4%), mixing and homogenization to create these high quality products. 

In the first BLOG: Top 7 FAQ about Citrus Fiber in Plant-based Milks, we discussed how Citri-Fi citrus benefits different types of plant milks. However, in this discussion, we will expand how to use citrus fiber. Fiberstar works closely with Customers from bench top to commercialization to make sure they create high quality plant-based milks.  As a result, the team compiled the top 3 FAQ about how to use Citri-Fi in different types of milk alternatives.

Top 3 Frequently Asked Questions Using Citrus Fiber in Plant Drinks

1.  How Do You Use Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber in Plant Milks?

As mentioned in the previous blog, Citri-Fi 100FG or Citri-Fi 100M40 dosage level ranges between 0.2% to 0.4%. The citrus fiber is typically mixed with other dry ingredients, if any, and added to heated water with a vortex. You can hydrate using cold or warm water. However, we recommend using warm water to activate the intrinsic pectin to be more functional. On the other hand, if you have to use room temperature, hydration time should be longer to allow the citrus fiber to swell and dissolve.

Then, the plant-based paste is added and mixed for a certain amount of time. Next, you homogenize the solution. If there is any sediment or phase separation, you homogenize a second time. Lastly, you pasteurize and store at set temperature or treat by ultra heat high temperature (UHT). For more a detailed process, please Contact Us for technical applications sheets which outline the whole process. To learn more, please check out our video in the Video Library.

2.  Does Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Interact With Other Ingredients in the Plant Milk Formula?

Yes, citrus fiber interacts with other ingredients otherwise it would not provide the stabilizing effect in different types of plant milk. On the other hand, Citri-Fi citrus fiber does not react with other minerals or ions present including calcium or magnesium. And the type of plant base does matter. For instance, some bases create a situation where fat floats to the top. Citri-Fi binds the fat and water to prevent fat separation when homogenized.

3. Is Homogenization Pressure Important When Using Citri-Fi Natural Citrus Fiber in Plant Milks?

Yes, homogenization pressure is important when using citrus fiber in plant milks. Depending on the raw material (plant base), two cycles may be needed. However, homogenization pressure should be at least 150-250 bar. And even though we recommend downstream to homogenize particles which may result from heat treatment, you can also use upstream. This is key in creating high quality types of plant milk.

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