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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber at SupplySide West Show - nutrition bars, gummies, tablets, beverages

Natural Food Ingredients Nabbed the Show at SSW

The SupplySide West show, which rebranded into SupplySide Global, significantly grew in size again this year due to the influx of international suppliers. The mainstream trend continued to revolve around pure, holistic and natural food ingredients. Companies differentiated their products by health platforms, regulatory status, and sourcing (local vs. overseas). Other claims that emerged in the show included women-owned, sustainability and upcycling.

The SupplySide West show, which started its life as a supplement expo, significantly grew in size again this year. For over a decade now, I have trucked around the show floor, looking for the latest and greatest in natural food ingredient technologies. Before, I wandered around with chunk heels cursing the traditional business attire expectations. Today, I traded my pumps in for dressy sneakers to help me reach the finish line which was beyond aisle 8100! After circulating around the show floor, I captured some insight that is worth a share.

Mainstream: Pure, Holistic and Natural Food Ingredients

With the spotlight on ultra-processed and pathogenic-free foods, it is no wonder that consumers are demanding safer and more nutritious products. They are label reading more than ever today which is causing food and supplement manufacturers to reassess their own products’ ingredients. As a result, many ingredient suppliers at the show touted their natural and minimally processed status. Some of the common claims included organic certified, committed to nature and clean label. With this in mind, it was a slam dunk to promote citrus fiber at the show.

Fiberstar, Inc. exhibited at SupplySide West pitching Citri-Fi® citrus fiber. This natural food ingredient checks all the boxes when it comes to clean label and the natural origin. Citri-Fi is byproduct of the citrus juicing industry which uses a process free from chemical modifications. Because of this, the fibrous composition, including the high concentration of native pectin, stays intact giving it high water holding power and emulsification properties. As a result, this natural food ingredient improves the texture, stability and nutrition of a variety of food, beverage and supplements.

At low usage level (<1%), this upcycled citrus fiber improves foods such as beverages, dairy products, nutrition bars, dry blends, baked goods and gummies. Because of the multi-functionality, Citri-Fi can extend and/or replace other hydrocolloids like starches, food gums and other plant-based fibers. Though there are several citrus fibers to choose from in the market, Citri-Fi is unique because it is not a byproduct of the pectin extraction process which typically uses chemical modifications or solvents. Citri-Fi is as close as its roots in nature which makes this ingredient a true all-natural option.

Health Platforms: Magnified and Multiplied

Selling natural food ingredients via health platforms is still prominent. This year, digestive health topped the charts during my walkabout. Numerous companies showcased ingredients such as prebiotics, probiotics, symbiotics and postbiotics. Other prominent platforms included immune, bone, weight management, cognitive and heart. On the other hand, a few new platforms grew in presence which involved sleep, stress-free, aging, skin, hair, anti-allergy, oral, liver, diabetes, joint, men’s and now women’s health (especially menopause-related).

Geographic Dichotomy: Local versus Overseas

Despite US-based consumers clamoring for local and made-in-the-USA food products, the show proved international trade was alive and thriving. From observation, the show’s growth looked like it was attributed to new small ingredient suppliers primarily from Asia. These businesses were littered amongst the large multi-national distrubutors. And unlike the large company booths, many of these smaller booths lacked the luster. In many cases, it was challenging to understand their point of difference when a booth two doors down sold the same ingredients. Are natural food ingredients, which were once considered value-added, commoditizing with the plethora of oversea players?

Regardless of the international offerings on the show floor, companies who saw value in USA made highlighted this as a competitive advantage. Some of the words included domestic supply, USA origin and locally made. As the influx of ingredient suppliers grow each year, natural food ingredient companies will need to innovate to strengthen their competitive advantage in the marketplace. Otherwise, they will find themselves competing on price which can paralyze profit margins.

Over the years, Fiberstar strived to be ahead in citrus fiber innovation. Selling a sustainable and upcycled citrus fiber was just the beginning.  The company created varying particle sizes, co-processed blends, higher viscosity versions and certified organic SKUs which set Fiberstar apart from other suppliers. In addition, the company continues to offer a domestic citrus fiber using a stable and reliable supply chain.

New Emerging Trend: Women-owned Businesses

Another trend springing up includes businesses highlighting their women-owned status. During COVID, many women-owned businesses closed their doors for various reasons. However, post pandemic, these business types returned in full force driving the economic recovery. Their popularity soared in many markets including the food and beverage industry. Claiming women-owned gives some companies an edge to win over customers and generate new sales.

Other Moderate Buzz for the Field

Besides the hot ticket items mentioned, some companies pitched other points of difference such as vegan, non-GMO, and better-for-you. The nature of the show and immensity in size should have been busting with environmental messaging. However, after perusing the signage, I was surprised to see a small number of players promoting sustainability and upcycling. Despite the growing awareness, this universal topic will continue to be at the center stage for years to come. Companies embracing this now will be favorably positioned in the future.

Fiberstar’s upcycled citrus fiber continues to attract food manufacturers due to its green story and clean labeling. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural markets. Because of the company’s deep rooted knowledge in repurposing plant-based fibers, the company will continue to exploit its expertise creating new products to serve the unmet market needs.

For more information about Fiberstar’s citrus fiber innovation, please contact us.

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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Water Holding, Natural Emulsifier, Upcycled, Sustainable, Gelling Properties - Clean Label- Organic

Clean Label Food & Beverage: 2023 Top Searches

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber is an upcycled environmentally friendly food ingredient. From raw material to the finished product, this fiber remains intact and natural as Mother nature intended. Because of this food ingredient, Citri-Fi improves the health, texture and quality over shelf-life in a variety of food and beverages. According to the top keyword searches around citrus fiber, there are four hot clean label food categories ranging from bakery to meat substitutes.

Food trends come and go, however, clean label is here to stay. Although clean label suggests just that, the definition is highly subjective and carries a myriad of meanings. To some this term implies familiarity, naturalness and simplicity. And to others it refers to sustainable and environmentally friendly. Regardless of the clean label food definition, this movement has affected most food and beverage categories to some degree.

Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber  - Clean Label Food & Beverages

Citri-Fi is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. The clean process, which is free from chemical modifications, is one piece of the green story. Citri-Fi is one of few citrus fibers that uses a process that only contains water and heat to produce this natural ingredient. Other citrus fibers on the market are byproduct of pectin extraction which typically uses solvents and other chemicals in the process. In extraction, the process strips away the native intact pectin which adversely affects the citrus fiber. Some citrus fiber suppliers add the pectin back in to gain additional functionality. Citri-Fi's clean process keeps citrus fiber how Mother Nature intended – full of native intact pectin.

Citri-Fi contributes fiber to various food products which complements other fibers when making fiber claims. In addition to its healthy halo, this natural ingredient’s water holding and emulsification stabilization aids in improving Nutri-Scores - a nutrition label and nutritional labeling system.

In addition to the sustainable procurement, clean process and healthy food applications, Citri-Fi is a clean label ingredient. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp and citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label markets. Because of this, Citri-Fi is an ideal natural food ingredient to create clean label food.

In 2023, six food categories came up in the Fiberstar keyword search analytics for clean label because of Citri-Fi citrus fiber's natural status. Below provides some insight into the hottest clean label food trends.

(1) Baked Goods – Clean Label Bakery Solutions

Today, bakers are returning back to basics in other words clean label baking formulas. This trend affects a variety of baked goods including (on order of prevalence) bakery fillings, pastry and pastry creams, snacks, bread, tortilla, bakery mixes and cakes. Bakers seek cleaner alternatives to emulsifiers, food gums, modified starches and other stabilizers. Citri-Fi citrus fiber is an ideal fit. At less than 1% usage, this natural ingredient can replace emulsifiers and other hydrocolloids depending on the bakery application to create clean bakery products.

(2) Clean Label Pet Food

Pet owners treat companion animals as their beloved children today also known as the pet humanization trend. As consumers become more cognizant about what makes up their own food, they practice the same diligence with their furry friends' meals. Because of this, consumers peruse label friendly options for both dog food and cat food.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber can be used to create clean label pet food. At less than 1% usage, this natural ingredient reduces breakage in biscuits, improves the tenderness in semi-moist treats and replaces stabilizers in canned or wet pet food.

(3) Dressing, Sauces, Dips and Spreads

This food category is a hot spot for clean label formulations. Many products include (in order of prevalence) mayonnaise, dressings, dips, sauces, jams, culinary pastes and nut butters. Though regular mayonnaise is clean since it contains only three pantry ingredients, other permutations such as flavored, reduced egg or egg-free mayonnaise spreads use stabilizers and other hydrocolloids to improve the texture and shelf-life. Citri-Fi, at less than 1% usage, can replace eggs or extend eggs while maintaining a stable emulsion due to its native intact pectin composition.

In dressings, dips and sauces, this natural citrus fiber’s dual functionality – water holding and emulsification – creates smooth stable textures over time. Again, Citri-Fi can create clean label food by replacing stabilizing hydrocolloids. In jams, Citri-Fi can be used to replace added pectin when used in low pH and high Brix conditions. And in culinary pastes and butters, Citri-Fi can create stable emulsions as long some water is present in the system.

(4) Clean Label Meat Substitutes

The meat alternative category continues to thrive with new product launches. Initially, perfecting the texture and flavor were typical goals. However, now, product developers focus on ingredients and labeling in addition to the texture. Many of the 1.0 versions of meat substitutes produced long labels containing unfamiliar food ingredients. Today, product developers are creating clean label foods that are animal-free including (in order of prevalence) plant-based beef, plant-based chicken, plant-based fish, plant-based pork and plant-based burger patties.

The Citri-Fi portfolio contains citrus fibers with varying particle sizes. Although they contribute fiber and aid in reducing saturated fats in meat alternatives, they also improve the quality. For instance, the Citri-Fi 100 series at less than 1% usage, is used in meat analogs to bind oil and water. As a result, plant-based meats retain their juiciness and succulence. The Citri-Fi TX creates a meat-like and firm texture when used at 2-4%

Other Clean Label Foods

Other hot clean label foods sought out include dairy products like yogurt. Citri-Fi citrus fiber at less than 1% usage controls syneresis to create thick, smooth and creamy textures. In frozen foods, Citri-Fi binds water to minimize crystallization in ice cream, create enhanced sauce textures in frozen meals and provides freeze/thaw stability in a variety of appetizers.

Regardless of the category, Citri-Fi citrus fiber helps formulators improve the nutrition, quality and texture of clean label foods. This natural citrus fiber is non-GMO, allergen-free and gluten-free. It contains no e-number which is relevant to regions like Europe. And now, USDA certified organic is offered.

For more information about Citri-Fi citrus fiber and the latest innovations, please contact us.

(Source: Google Analytics G4, 2023)

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Citrus Fiber: Emulsifier, Stabilizer & Texturizer

In 2021, top read Fiberstar blogs indicated that individuals sought out food ingredients with “natural” functionalities. Today, there still remains a gap in the market between high functionality and natural/clean label. Yet, Citri-Fi® citrus fills this gap. These top read blogs highlighted Citri-Fi as a citrus fiber emulsifier, stabilizer and texturizer at the same time being natural! Because of this, food developers can create high quality clean label products.

Instead of rattling off the Top 5 read Fiberstar blogs in 2021, we will focus on their common hot topics. These top read blogs highlighted Citri-Fi citrus fiber’s ability to emulsify, stabilize and texturize a variety of food products. This might set eyes rolling since there are many food ingredients in the market claiming to do the same. However, this citrus fiber performs these functions “naturally” which sets itself apart from the others. Currently, natural emulsifiers are a rare find. On the other hand, food ingredients like Citri-Fi are available as citrus fiber emulsifiers.

Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber Natural Emulsifier

Citri-Fi's process is free from chemical modifications unlike other ingredients in the market. For instance, the insoluble and soluble fiber content contains native intact pectin. This high pectin content gives Citri-Fi the muscle to emulsify and stabilize foods like dairy, beverages, dressings, dairy alternatives and meat substitutes. As a result, developers create foods with more natural textures and mouthfeel.

For instance, Citri-Fi binds oil and water to create the succulent texture in meat substitutes. The 100 series in conjunction with the TX line makes meat-like texture and juiciness. And when this natural emulsifier and texturizer is used with plant proteins like canola protein, potato protein and/or pea protein, meat substitutes can be created free of methylcellulose.

Natural Water Holding Food Ingredient

The market is saturated with water holding ingredients such as gums, alginates, starches and plant fibers. However, Citri-Fi’s fiber composition not only binds high levels of water, but does this “naturally” at low usage levels (<1%). Many other ingredients need to be chemically modified to perform the same. Or if they are natural, they raise consumer’s eyebrows when listed on the food label.

Because of this high water holding, Citri-Fi improves freshness of baked goods, reduces syneresis in dairy foods and creates more natural textures in sauces. And one other benefit that places it on a high pedestal versus others is that Citri-Fi improves freeze/thaw stability of frozen foods. For example, this natural ingredient minimizes water migration during the freeze/thaw cycles. Ice cream and frozen dairy alternatives create less ice crystals which preserves its creamy mouthfeel. And frozen meals refrain from turning into a mosh pit of mash.

Natural Food Texturizer

Fiberstar recently launched Citri-Fi TX which creates meat-like texture in plant based meats and animal meat products. Though there is a plethora of plant-based textured proteins on the market, Citri-Fi TX differs. Most texturized proteins start their life as part of a plant and then further processed. Citri-Fi TX citrus fiber exists in a larger granular form - minimally processed. And because it is derived from citrus fruit, it is non-allergenic unlike soy and wheat. Many texturized proteins serve as a base in vegan meats at high usage levels. On the other hand, Citri-Fi TX usage level ranges 1-4% to enhance the texture.

About Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber

Citri-Fi citrus fiber is allergen-free and gluten-free. This natural food ingredient has no E-number. And the 100 series including TX is non-GMO project certified. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which all resonate well in the natural and clean label markets. Citri-Fi is a citrus fiber emulsifier, stabilizer and texturizer. To learn more about Citri-Fi’s natural functionalities, please contact us.

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Fiberstar, Inc. Partners with New Food Ingredient Distributors

Fiberstar, Inc. partners up with two new food ingredient distributors to further strengthen its market penetration in the U.S. Accurate Ingredients and Gillco Ingredients join Fiberstar’s global distributor network by offering complimentary portfolios of ingredients, technically sound sales teams and highly responsive customer service.

Fiberstar, Inc. sells Citri-Fi® citrus fiber globally using a robust distributor network. To further penetrate the food ingredient marketplace, the company added two new distributors to their sales network – Accurate Ingredients and Gillco Ingredients. Both companies come with seasoned technical service in addition to a complimentary portfolio of food ingredients.

“The market is demanding natural, clean and functional ingredients like Citri-Fi citrus fiber,” says President and CEO, John Haen. “Because of this, it was time to partner up with distributors that not only focus on natural offerings, but also, provide customers with technical knowledge about each food ingredient’s functionality when formulating food and beverages.”

Accurate Ingredients offers extensive food ingredient sales, marketing and distribution resources serving the U.S. market. For instance, their portfolio of specialized ingredients,  experienced sales team and robust customer service provide customers a top-of-the-line experience. As a result, customers can rely on their trained experts to source and recommend ingredients based on functionality and cost.

Gillco Ingredients prides itself on partnering with some of the most reputable and innovative food ingredient manufacturers which offer a line of healthy, natural and functional ingredients. Its technically trained sales force understand each ingredient’s functionality allowing them to help speed up their customers’ product development efforts. In addition to the savvy technical team and extensive portfolio, they offer well integrated and highly skilled customer service.

Citri-Fi is ideal for both portfolios. For example, this citrus fiber line provides high water holding, emulsification and/or texture to variety of food products. This natural food ingredient is Non-GMO Project certified, non-allergenic and gluten-free. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour. As a result, they all resonate well in the clean label markets.

To learn more about the new distributor partnerships, please contact us.

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Plant-based News: Fiberstar is a FIE Award Finalist

Fiberstar, Inc., a world leading producer of natural citrus fiber qualifies as a finalist for a Food Ingredients Europe award. One of the awards is given to those offering innovative technologies for plant based foods.  Citri-Fi, a natural citrus fiber holds high amounts of oil. Consequently, this is key in replacing methyl cellulose in meat alternative foods. However, when used with other water holding natural ingredients, this fiber improves texture. And Citri-Fi helps reduce the amount of saturated and/or unsaturated fats used. As a result, manufacturers create juicy foods which consumers expect. Citri-Fi also improves texture and stability in other plant based foods. Check out our usage guide CLICK HERE!

Citri-Fi is allergen-free and gluten-free. This natural fiber is Non-GMO Project certified. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label market.

Have questions or need a sample, CLICK HERE!

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BLOG: Breaking the Myths about Fibers such as Natural Citrus Fiber

Myth #1: All Fibers are the Same

When customers hear or think about the word dietary fiber, they automatically assume fiber fortification. And the first thing out of their mouth is “We don’t need to work with any other dietary fiber. We have plenty on our bench.” In their mind, all fibers are the same. We need to tell the truth about fibers. Today, some dietary fibers are now hybrids between the insoluble and soluble world. They are more functional due to their unique composition. As a result, these functional fibers not only register as dietary fiber, but also they provide some functionalities similar to starches, gums and other functional fibers. For instance, these functional fibers can replace multiple ingredients in foods to help clean up labels. Get the fiber facts!

Myth #2: All Functional Fibers are the Same

In this article, we will discuss citrus fiber. First, let’s break another myth - all citrus fibers are the same. If this was a true or false question at your local pub’s trivia night and you said yes, you would be paying for the next shout. Citrus fibers ARE NOT the same. Some are byproduct of pectin production which typically uses solvents and other chemicals. Depending on their process, the final product varies in composition which gives them limited functionality in food.

On the other hand, Citri-Fi® is a natural citrus fiber produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing process. The patented physical process opens up this clean label fiber to create high water holding and emulsification properties. Insoluble and soluble fiber and some protein make up this functional ingredient. And it contains significant amount of native pectin which gives it even higher functionality.

Functional Fiber Benefits

Fibers like natural citrus fiber provide the following benefits in foods:

  • Meats: yield improvement, purge reduction, juiciness
  • Bakery: improved freshness over time, egg and/or oil reduction
  • Sauces: thickness, stability, pulp reduction
  • Beverages: thickness, mouthfeel, pulp reduction
  • Dairy: stability, emulsification, thickness
  • Frozen Foods: stability, ice crystal reduction
  • Pet foods: strengthening, binding,
  • Plant-based Foods: emulsification, moisture retention

Myth #3: If it is Functional, it Must be Used at Starch Levels  

Less is more! Functional ingredients are typically used at low usage levels. Keep in mind, ingredient usage levels highly depends on the ingredient and the application. For example, many dietary fibers are used between 2% to 3% to make packaging claims and starches are typically used between 1-3%. No wonder why product developers are hard wired to start using new ingredients at 1% or higher in formulations which typically leads to failures. That is the truth about fibers.

Natural citrus fiber, like Citri-Fi, is used between 0.3% to 1.0% which is similar to some food gum usage levels. These type of fibers alone cannot make fiber claims, however, they can be used with other fibers. These natural fibers are incorporated into foods by either mixing with dry ingredients or oils before adding to food.

Myth #4: Functional Must Mean it is Not Clean Label

As mentioned previously, the reason why these fibers are functional, especially Citri-Fi natural citrus fiber, is because of its unique wholistic composition. The patented physical process does not use any chemical modifications. Citri-Fi can be labeled as citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label and natural communities. This natural fiber is non-GMO, non-allergenic and contains no E-number which is beneficial in markets like Europe. And because this natural citrus fiber is vegan and vegetarian, the plant-based market is loving it.

Myth #5: Fibers Produce Grainy Mouthfeel or Taste Like Cardboard

Not all fibers produce unsavory mouthfeel in foods. Fibers like Citri-Fi, have both soluble and insoluble fibrous composition which improves the texture and mouthfeel of most food products. Also, its small particle size is ideal for products like injection marinade poultry in addition to creamy products like yogurt.

So the next time someone talks to you about fiber, ask if it is functional before throwing up your stop sign hand. Learn the truth about fibers. This simple question can be life changing for a formulator especially if their goal is create great texture and clean up labels while improving the nutritional profile of the food.

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