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Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber is an Egg Reduction Solution that is clean label

Egg Reduction – A Half Dozen Solutions

Several market drivers including better-for-you foods, Avian flu and plant-based diets are creating a demand for egg reduction solutions. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber provides water holding and emulsification properties similar to egg which benefits a variety of foods including cookies, cakes, pancakes, creamy sauces, mayonnaise spreads and meat loaf products.

Replacing eggs again? Haven’t we boogied to this Chicken Dance already? Egg replacement is not a new phenomena in the food world. For instance, replacement technologies have gussied up ingredient  portfolios for over two decades now. These egg reduction solutions were peddled in the market for various reasons. Years ago, cholesterol earned a bad rap. So, consumers demanded healthier products minus the egg. Then, the Avian flu plagued the flocks driving an egg shortage. Next, the plant-based food wave eliminated any animal-based ingredients including egg. And now, the market is back to grappling with the Avian flu again.

Among the drivers to reduce egg usage, the Avian flu is creating the most chaos. For example, the outbreak is limiting egg availability which is driving the price thru the roof. Because of this, formulators are back at the bench looking for egg reduction solutions. Replacing this commodity is more than an elbow test. According to the Incredible Egg Organization, there are over 20 properties eggs provide. As a result, replacing eggs successfully depends on the food product and the replacement technology. At the same time, the market has a few replacement options available. One solution involves citrus fiber.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber is produced from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. The process, which is free from chemical modifications, opens up the fibrous matrix to give its high water holding and emulsification properties. Because of this composition, Citri-Fi can be used as an egg reduction solution for a variety of food products including bakery items, sauces and dressings.

Bakery: Water and Oil Binding is in the Proof

Eggs are typically used in cookies primarily for the emulsification properties. This muscle ingredient binds the butter and/or oil to the liquids to create a uniform and tender texture. Reducing or omitting eggs adversely affects the overall quality. For example, cookies tend to be dense, crumbly and dry. The spread is limited and accompanied by a grainy undissolved sugary texture.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber, at low usage levels (<1%), provides the emulsification properties which maintains the tender bite and perception of freshness over time when replacing up to 25% of eggs. This also applies to baked goods such as pancakes, layer cakes and cupcakes.

In bakery products like cakes, Citri-Fi can extend the eggs and also partially reduce oil content. This natural ingredient’s ability to bind water aids in creating the full-fat mouthfeel when oil is reduced. And because of the fibrous composition, the bound water remains locked in over time giving the perception of freshness. Citri-Fi can be used in both conventional and gluten-free bakery products as an egg reduction solution.

Mayonnaise Spreads: Citrus Fiber is an Egg-cellent Emulsifier

Another key area for Citri-Fi’s emulsification power involves mayonnaise dressings. Mayonnaise typically contains vegetable oil, water, sugar, vinegar, egg yolks, salt and mustard. The egg yolks bind the vegetable oil and aqueous liquids when sheared to create a uniform stable mixture.

Due to Citri-Fi citrus fiber’s emulsification properties, this natural food ingredient can reduce or replace eggs in mayonnaise spreads. Some spreads use modified starches which provide similar functional benefits. However, this upcycled citrus fiber, at low usage levels (<1%), sets up a stable emulsion which does not break over time. Also, Citri-Fi creates a smooth and full-fat mouthfeel while supporting a clean label. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour.

Besides mayonnaise spreads, Citri-Fi can reduce egg content in other types of sauces like Hollandaise, Caesar dressing, custard-type and pastry cream. The level of reduction highly depends on the type of food product and ingredients used. If other hydrocolloids are used in the formulations, then Citri-Fi can aid in reducing significantly more egg content than using Citri-Fi alone.

Meat Loaf: Managing Moisture

Chopped and formed meat products like meat loaf use eggs to bind the ingredients and add moisture. During the cooking process, the moisture is bound to the egg to prevent dryness. When egg content is reduced or eliminated, formed meat products tend to dry out and fall apart.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber, when used at low usage levels (<1%), binds the water during the cooking process. As a result, the meat loaf remains moist and tender post-cook. To incorporate, add the citrus fiber to the dry ingredients like herbs, spices and salt before mixing in liquids. The order of addition and mixing optimizes Citri-Fi’s full functionality in an egg reduction solution.

Besides egg reduction, Citri-Fi has other pluses. The product line is non-GMO Project certified, allergen-free and gluten-free. Now, there is a USDA certified organic line available – Citri-Fi 400. The 100, 400 and 600 series have no E-number which is key in regions like Europe.

The Future of Formulating with Egg Extenders  

Will the egg market return to normal this year? The jury is out on this drama. However, the fact that viruses have interrupted the markets more than once over the years serves as a hint. With this in mind, companies have the opportunity to utilize egg reduction technologies as a strategy to minimize cost and risk in supply. Though there are several egg reduction solutions on the market, Citri-Fi citrus fiber stands out due to its upcycled, sustainable and clean label narrative.

To learn more about egg reduction solutions, please contact us.

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Organic Citrus Fiber: Nature’s Upcycled Food

The organic food market, including processed foods, continues to grow each year. Food ingredients making up processed foods undergo a rigorous review to be certified organic. Because of this, there are limited natural ingredient options on hand. Citri-Fi® 400 organic citrus fiber is one of very few citrus fibers available. This citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification properties which makes it key to creating organic foods with shelf stability, great taste and natural texture.

The organic food market exploded over the past few decades. What started with a heightened demand for organic fruits and vegetables expanded into other categories such as canned foods, bakery flours, sauces and spices. According to the Organic Trade Association (OTA), the U.S. organic food sales in 2020 grew 12.8% to a new high of $56.4 billion. And about 6 percent of the food sold in the United States was certified organic. However, the U.S. is not alone with demanding more organic foods on the market. This trend streams across the globe in other regions like Europe and Asia Pacific.

Organic food sounds healthy and wholesome, but what does this term actually mean? And why is the status important in consumers’ minds? First off, in the U.S., the term “organic” is governed by the USDA organic standards. These standards include methods that support the cycling of resources. For example, USDA organic means ecological balance and conservation of biodiversity. It forbids the use of synthetic fertilizers, irradiation treatments and genetic engineering. This protocol is important to consumers who value the environment and the ecological system. Consumers also assume they are not only bettering the world around them but their bodies too. Many believe that eating organic equates to healthier choices like consuming foods containing organic citrus fiber.

Certified organic foods go thru a rigorous approval process. Food products like fresh produce are not the only foodstuffs certified. For instance, processed foods also undergo similar validation processes. The food ingredients that make up the processed foods such as savory sauces or baked breads are required to be certified USDA organic before food products can make the claim. Food manufacturers can use permutations of the organic claim depending on how much of the finished product contains organic ingredients.

Formulating with Organic Food Ingredients

Formulating organic processed foods can be challenging. Product developers work with a set of parameters such as clean label and natural when creating new organic food products. Many food ingredients that are certified organic and considered clean label, such as some starches and food gums, have limited functionality. As a result, this impacts food product’s shelf stability, taste and texture.

However, today, new functional ingredients are emerging such as organic citrus fiber. This clean label fiber, Citri-Fi 400, is one of very few certified organic citrus fibers available on the market. What makes citrus fiber so special? First off, not all citrus fibers are created the same. Some citrus fibers go thru chemical processes using solvents to strip away impurities. However, this also affects the functionality. Citri-Fi 400 is byproduct from organic citrus fruit processing. This upcycled ingredient goes thru a process free from chemical modifications which preserves the intact native pectin. As a result, this organic citrus fiber provides high water holding and emulsification.

Organic Citrus Fiber & Food Application Use

These functional benefits improve a variety of food products including meat substitutes, dairy alternatives like plant milks, fruit preparations and sauces. For example, in meat substitutes, Citri-Fi 400 at 0.5% - 2.0% binds water and oil to produce the juicy texture and freeze/thaw stability. In plant-based milks using oat, almond, soy or rice bases, this organic citrus fiber at 0.1% to 0.4% improves viscosity and generates a more natural mouthfeel. When product developers create fruit preparations, Citri-Fi 400 at 1.5% to 2.5% can extend pectin and create improved textures. And this natural fiber at 0.2% to 1.0% thickens, stabilizes emulsions, and/or reduces egg content in a variety of sauces, dressings and condiments.

Besides the functional benefits, this USDA certified organic Citri-Fi 400 comes in several particle sizes. The plant-based fiber series is non-GMO and clean label. For instance, labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural markets. And this fiber does not carry an E-number which benefits regions like Europe.

For more information about the new Citri-Fi 400 organic citrus fiber line, please contact us!

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Plant Based Pizza: Piece by Piece

Plant based pizzas contain multiple components including the crust, sauce, dairy-free cheese and plant-based meat. Each ingredient faces its own formulating challenges. However, plant-based ingredients like Citri-Fi® citrus fiber binds the water and emulsifies to alleviate stability and texture issues.

Someone told me once that pizza is the ultimate food. It contains all 5 food groups: fruits/vegetables, starch, dairy, protein and fat. In product development classes, pizza was the go-to meal when creating portable snacks, feeding a family of five and nourishing those in need. Although pizza is a quick and easy morsel for the consumer, the complexity spins most food developers heads when it comes to plant-based pizzas.

Pizza is comprised of multiple components including the crust, sauce, cheese and protein toppings. When combined together, water and oil, when not bound, tend to migrate in different directions. Throw in refrigeration and freeze/thaw storage, pizza stability and texture risks quality issues. Plant based pizzas are not exempted from these dilemmas. These products tend to have their own challenges.

Building the Foundation: Pizza Crust and Sauce

For instance, pizza crust serves as the foundation. Today, there are a variety of crusts available catering to various diet requirements such as gluten-free, keto and low-carb. Many of the base flours used do not contain gluten. Because of this the pizza crust lacks binding. Crusts tend to crack and separate or turn soggy depending on the flour bases used. Some of these bases such as starch-based gluten-free flours or cauliflower need binding power to hold it all together.

Citri-Fi citrus fiber, at <1% usage level, holds a lot of water especially in bakery products like pizza crusts. This natural ingredient works synergistically with starches and gums to create a pizza crust that stands up in heat. Citri-Fi shines most in freeze/thaw conditions. This citrus fiber binds the water to prevent water migration during freeze/thaw cycles. As a result, the pizza crust remains intact and produces a tender bite after baking.

Another component of plant based pizzas that tend to use water and oil binders is sauce. Although red sauce is the gold standard, today the culinary world introduced everyone to new sauce options. The market now offers pesto, white cheese and even butternut squash sauces. And like the conventional red sauce, these sauces require viscosity and stability to maintain texture. Citri-Fi citrus fiber’s water holding and emulsification at <1% usage level stabilizes the sauce while creating the natural thick texture. And because of its functional benefits, it keeps the water and oil in the sauce instead of leaking into the crust and toppings. Due to the recent starch and food gum supply limitations, Citri-Fi is an ideal substitute.

Dairy-free Pizza Cheese - Meltability

The crust and sauce typically are plant based. The more challenging components of a pizza are dairy-free cheeses and plant-based meats. Dairy-free cheeses do not contain animal-based casein which creates that gooey meltable texture when heated. Because of this, plant-based cheeses have limited melt-ability. This significantly affects not only the visual but also the mouthfeel and texture. Developers combine a melting pot of ingredients (no pun intended) such as starches, food gums, plant proteins and fibers to improve shred, spread and melt.

One solution available includes Citri-Fi when used at <1%. As mentioned, this natural ingredient binds water and emulsifies. As a result, the cheese holds onto the water and oil during refrigeration to prevent water migration or oil purge. Citri-Fi can also work synergistically with other plant-based ingredients to create a smooth and melt-able plant cheese.

Plant-based Meats Texture the Top

Lastly, plant-based meats topped on pizzas typically are pepperoni or sausage bites. Pepperoni meat alternatives tend to lack moisture and fall apart. Using the Citri-Fi 100 line at <1%, developers can create pepperoni slices that bind the water which improves the stability and moist texture. On the other hand, sausage bites typically have soft texture and lack the chew similar to their animal-based counterparts. When using Citri-Fi TX texturizing citrus fiber, product developers can create sausage pieces with more meat-like texture. The Citri-Fi 100 line can also be used in conjunction with Citri-Fi TX to bind the water and oil to produce the succulence.

In the end, Citri-Fi citrus fiber is a versatile formulating tool for plant based pizzas. This natural ingredient’s ability to hold water and emulsification, solves many challenges when creating the crust, sauce, dairy-free cheese and meat alternatives.

Citri-Fi is non-GMO Project certified, gluten-free and allergen-free. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the clean label market. Citri-Fi also have no E-number which is favorable in food markets like Europe.

For information about creating plant based pizzas, please contact us.

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Egg Replacement: The Good Egg – Citrus Fiber

The market demands egg replacement options due to price and availability fluctuations, plant-based lifestyle trends and allergen-free food requirements. Though many solutions exist today, Citri-Fi® citrus fiber is one clean label option available to partially replace egg depending on the food product. Due to the citrus fiber’s high water holding and emulsification properties, Citri-Fi works synergistically with other food ingredients such as starches, gums and plant fibers to remove egg entirely.

Real eggs are the workhorse ingredients in the food world. They have so many functions in baked goods including aeration, browning color, binding, humectancy and leavening to improve the texture over shelf-life. Moreover, eggs provide coagulation, coatings, crystallization control and richness to a variety of other foods. Besides the functional benefits, eggs also fortify foods with protein content. So, why would the market demand egg replacement options?

Eggs experience pricing fluctuations like any other food staple. Temporary anomalies such as the current Avian flu create price hikes and supply constraints that affect companies that are not locked into contracts or lack buying power. On the other hand, there are other market dynamics at play that drive the need for egg replacers. For instance, there is a wave of consumers shifting toward a plant-based diet. Because of this, people are looking for animal-free including egg-free foods. Another segment steers away from egg products due to allergen concerns. Typically, if one allergen is avoided such as gluten, other allergens are added to the elimination list. For example, many restaurants are converting over to vegan mayonnaise for food safety and allergen reasons.

A Nest Full of Egg Replacement Options

There have been egg replacers on the market for over 10 years now or more. And they vary amongst different ingredients such as food gums, dairy and wheat proteins, starches, plant fibers and blends of these ingredients. Other types of ingredients also include leaveners, enzymes and emulsifiers. The type of ingredients used highly depends on the food product that the egg is used in. And each ingredient has both pros and cons. For instance, some ingredients are chemically modified, some are considered allergens and some lack nutritional contributions. In the end, egg replacement requires multiple ingredients or a systems approach. Dialing into that exact system is a challenge especially to reach 100% egg replacement.

Citrus Fiber as an Egg Replacer Formulation Tool

As mentioned, some plant fibers provide some of the lost functionality in an eggless food. For example, Citri-Fi citrus fiber is a potential solution. This natural ingredient provides high water holding and emulsification properties similar to eggs. As a result, product developers can reduce the amount of egg in the formulation. And when used with other hydrocolloids, 100% egg replacement may be possible especially in bakery products.

Citri-Fi can partially replace eggs in baked goods including pancakes, cookies, layer cakes and muffins. This citrus fiber extends eggs in bakery fillings like custards too. In both instances, less than 1% will create high quality bakery products. In addition, these baked goods tend to maintain freshness over time improving shelf-life. This natural citrus fiber is added in with the dry ingredients such as flour and sugar before the liquid phase.

This natural ingredient is allergen-free and ideal as a gluten-free bakery ingredient. Many gluten-free products avoid ingredients such as egg, soy, wheat and dairy. These ingredients tend to provide water holding, binding, structure and emulsification to the food. Without using one or more of these food ingredients, the bakery product tends to lose quality. However, Citri-Fi, at <1% usage level, provides moisture retention and oil and water binding to improve the structure and freshness over time.

Yet, Citri-Fi also shines in egg-free spreads such as vegan mayonnaise. This citrus fiber’s high intact pectin content creates an emulsion with the other food ingredients which does not break over time. As a result, the mayonnaise remains uniform and creamy.

If you have additional questions about citrus fiber as a potential egg replacement ingredient, please contact us.

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Tomato Extension: Stay out of the Red

Tomato availability continues to be tight due to reduced acreage, continuous drought, rotation to more profitable crops and last year’s COVID hoarding. Though extending tomato with modified starches and food gums help bridge the shortage, the market offers more natural fibers like Citri-Fi® citrus fiber which closely simulates tomato functionality. As a result, at low usage levels, Citri-Fi extends tomato solids while still creating more natural textures, colors and flavors in sauces, pastes, dressings and soups.

The tomato shortage story begins with “once a upon a time” when tomatoes were a key staple crop in the California central valley. But over the years, the market and the environment took its toll on this once flourishing agriculture. This saga talks about how the tomato crop fell out of favor in export due to stronger domestic currency. As a result, this drove farmers to reduce their crop size and/or sow their fields with other profitable foods like almonds, pistachio and grapes. And then compounded with drought and last year’s COVID hoarding spree, tomato supplies struggled to rebound. Now tomato extension enters the storyline.

Quick Fixes for Tomato Extension

Despite the tomato’s dramatic saga over the years, the food industry offered several solutions including extending tomato pulp. Some extension methods included hydrocolloids like modified starches and food gums. These commodity ingredients bridged the tomato availability at times. Like quick fixes, these come with limitations. For instance, starches tend to produce more gel-like and pasty textures. On the other hand, certain food gums create sliminess and gumminess. Despite the textural drawbacks, customers settled with these options not knowing that the market offers other ingredients that function similar to tomato.

More Natural Ingredient Solutions

For example, another way to approach tomato extension is by using Citri-Fi® citrus fiber. This natural upcycled ingredient is created by a process free from chemical modifications. Due to its concentration of fibers and native intact pectin, this citrus fiber simulates tomato composition. As a result, at low usage levels (<0.5%), Citri-Fi creates more natural textures, color and flavors when replacing a portion of the tomato solids.

In addition to the textural and extension benefits, Citri-Fi also is heat, pH and freeze-thaw stable. Because of this, sauces, dressings and pastes remain uniform and inseparable during harsh food processing conditions. Citri-Fi’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which resonate well in the natural markets. And this functional ingredient contributes fiber which benefits the nutritional statement. Citri-Fi is also Non-GMO Project Certified, E number-free, allergen-free, and gluten-free.

To learn more about tomato extension using natural fibers like Citri-Fi, please contact us!

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Starch Replacement & Food Gum Extender using Citrus Fiber

The pandemic caused supply chains to choke. As a result, the availability of food ingredients such as starches and food gums tightened up. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber’s high water holding and emulsification properties at low usage levels (<1%) makes this ideal when extending or looking for gum and/or starch replacements in a variety food products.

Your local restaurant bellied up. Your favorite sneaker size is backordered for months. However, the world did not end. You can still purchase toilet paper. The pandemic’s aftermath affected supply chains globally which touched almost every commerce sector including the food industry. Lock down and affected employees caused operations to cease or slow down. Because of this, food production trickled, and seaports became congested which led to a trade imbalance. As a result, food ingredient availability, especially ones importing into the U.S. like certain starches and gums, quickly tightened. In the end, food manufacturers scrambled to find alternatives including starch replacements.

Starches and food gums are the work horses when it comes to creating stable and high-quality processed foods. Without these, foods subjected to harsh processing conditions, handling and shelf stability are typically negatively compromised. For instance, without starches and/or gums, water separation or syneresis occurs in yogurts. Dressings and sauces separate. And frozen desserts like ice cream form ice crystals during storage which leaves you with a sandy mouthfeel.

New Functional Stabilizer for the Formulating Tool Kit

Although starches and gums are top-of-mind for most food manufacturers, there are other solutions available in the market such as citrus fibers. One example includes Citri-Fi citrus fiber. This natural, upcycled functional fiber is created from byproduct of the citrus juicing industry. The process is free from chemical modifications. Many confuse citrus fiber with fortifying fibers. Citri-Fi provides dual functionality – high water holding and emulsification – at very low usage levels (<1%) unlike fortifying fibers. In addition, Citri-Fi’s high pectin content and its ability to increase viscosity with high shear also differentiates itself from other citrus fibers in the marketplace. Because of this, Citri-Fi can be used to extend or replace certain starches and gums like locust bean gum/carob bean gum in a variety of food applications.

For instance, in dairy products like yogurts, cottage cheese and cream cheese spreads, Citri-Fi, when used between 0.2% and 1.0%, minimizes syneresis and improves texture. In ice creams, this natural citrus fiber reduces ice crystal formation while creating a smooth and creamy mouthfeel. Also, starch replacement or extension is an option with this highly functional citrus fiber.

Citrus Fiber Solution and Perks

And since Citri-Fi’s labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour, manufacturers inadvertently clean up their label declarations which is a bonus. Citri-Fi is non-allergenic, gluten-free and non-GMO Project certified. And since this natural ingredient has no e-number, it resonates well in the European regions.

For more information in how to extend or replace starches and/or food gums, please contact us or request a sample.

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Plant Sauces: Dressing up Stability and Emulsification

Creating plant sauces containing no animal-derived ingredients separate over time and lack full body mouthfeel. Natural ingredients like Citri-Fi® citrus fiber provide high water holding and emulsification which improve stability and texture in products like vegan ranch dressings.

The market whirled their attention around meat substitutes for the past year. At the same time, dairy alternative foods such as plant milks and dairy-free cheeses continued to grab market share. Yet, one food category remains amiss in this plant-based phenomena – plant sauces. For centuries, sauces and dressings were and still are food’s beloved canopy of flavor and texture. And since some of these products use animal-derived ingredients, they too face challenges converting into vegan versions.

Plant Sauce Challenges

Some sauces and dressings use egg and/or milk proteins to provide texture, stability and flavor. When eliminated, food products suffer from oil and water separation, lack of creaminess and thin textures. However, food developers replace these animal-derived ingredients with modified starches, gums and chemical emulsifiers. As a result, food label declarations turn into lengthy lists full of questionable ingredients in the consumers’ eyes.

Today, the market offers a few natural ingredient options. One natural option, Citri-Fi citrus fiber, provides high water holding and emulsification properties. This citrus fiber’s insoluble and soluble fiber containing intact pectin uses a physical and surface activity mechanism to create the natural emulsification. The oil and water bind tightly to improve stability over time. Moreover, the citrus fiber improves the texture by creating a smooth and full body mouthfeel.

Citrus Fiber Improves Vegan Ranch Dressing

For example, food products such as ranch dressing typically uses mayonnaise, yogurt and buttermilk. Each component contains animal-derived ingredients such as egg and milk protein. However, at very low usage levels (0.2% to 2.0%), Citri-Fi can be used to replace egg in mayonnaise and to improve the texture of plant-based cultured products like dairy-free yogurts. So when the two are combined to make the vegan sauce, it performs like its animal-derived counterpart.

Citri-Fi is non-GMO Project Certified, non-allergenic and gluten-free. It has no E-number. Labeling options include citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour which all resonate well in the clean label markets. Fiberstar, Inc. is a proud member of the Plant-based Foods Association (PBFA).

To learn more about how to create vegan mayo, plant-based cultured products like non-dairy yogurt or plant sauces like vegan ranch dressing, please contact us. Formulation sheets and technical support are available.

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Sauces & Meat Substitutes: Citrus Fiber Successes

Food sauces and meat alternative products have one functional need in common – emulsification. Citri-Fi® citrus fiber provides the oil and water binding to create stable and high quality sauces and meat substitutes. At the same time, this natural citrus fiber cleans up labels by replacing starch, gums and other stabilizers while improving texture and stability.

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber provides multiple functionalities which benefits various food products. For instance, in September, 2020 despite the numerous citrus fiber wins, two categories stood out – sauces and meat substitutes. So, what do these three foods have in common? All require emulsification in order to create stability. At the same time, finding a natural emulsifier is an even bigger challenge.

Creamy and Emulsified Stable Sauces

In sauces, Citri-Fi citrus fiber provides several benefits. For example, in dressings and condiments like vegan mayonnaise, Citri-Fi 100M40 (0.25% to 1.50%) emulsifies the oil and water to create a creamy texture. This emulsion remains stable for a long time which is one of the reasons why product developers prefer Citri-Fi citrus fiber in this type of application. Also, Citri-Fi does not contain an E-number which appeals to the European markets.

Another popular sauce of the season is cheese-based sauces. Once again, emulsification plays an important role in creating creamy and stable textures. However, due to the clean label initiatives, product developers now seek out natural ingredients. This strategy not only creates labels with recognizable components but also simplifies the label using less. Citri-Fi citrus fiber binds oil and water in cheese-based sauces to provide long-term stability as a natural emulsifier. At the same time, this natural ingredient replaces gums and starches which make labels more consumer friendly.

 Clean Label Meat-like and Succulent Meat Alternatives

One hot area is meat alternatives. The market exploded with numerous meat alternative foods ranging from meat substitute beef patties to seafood analogs. Fiberstar led the charge offering not only highly functional citrus fibers, but also solutions sets. For instance, Citri-Fi 100 citrus fiber series provides high water holding and emulsification properties due to its high level of intact native pectin. As result, meat substitutes containing this citrus fiber produce juicy and succulent textures.

On the other hand, Citri-Fi TX10, a texturized citrus fiber, creates meat substitutes with more meat-like texture. In addition, TX10 improves cold binding and in some instances replaces wheat gluten – a common binder. Both the Citri-Fi 100 series and the TX10 are recommended to create high quality meat substitutes.

Moreover, to create clean label meat alternatives, Fiberstar introduced three different solution sets using citrus fiber. As a result, all three solutions can replace methyl cellulose. The three solutions include using both the 100 series and TX10 in addition to other natural ingredients. For example, the natural ingredients include enzyme, native starch, alginate or gellan gum. A video series and technical bulletins are available to you. Please contact us for more information.

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Citrus Fiber/Fibre: Frequently Asked Questions

Citrus fiber is the "go-to" clean label ingredient, especially Citri-Fi® citrus fiber. This natural citrus fiber sets itself apart from other citrus fibers due to its sustainable story, patented technology and superior functional benefits. For instance this citrus fiber or citrus fiber extract provides high water holding, emulsification and gelling properties. In addition, it cleans up food labeling. Learn more about this superior citrus fiber by checking out the frequently asked questions.

Because of citrus fiber's clean label functional benefits in food and beverage products, the food industry placed citrus fiber in the limelight. As a result, customers continue to ask questions about this superior natural ingredient. Below, we captured and shared common questions asked about this excellent clean label food ingredient.

Citrus Fiber: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Citrus Fiber? 

Citrus fiber consists of insoluble and/or soluble fibrous components of citrus fruits such as orange, lemon and limes. Though most people automatically assume that food makers use citrus fiber for fortification purposes such as "adding fiber", this is not the case for citrus fibers like Citri-Fi®. Not all citrus fibers are created the same. For instance, Citri-Fi uses a process free from chemicals to convert byproduct or "upcycled" material produced by the citrus juicing industry into higher valued products. As a result, the patented mechanical process opens up the fiber to provide high surface area.

Because of the high surface area and composition, this citrus fiber can be used at very low levels while providing high functional benefits such as water holding, emulsification and gelling. Citri-Fi contains high amounts of both insoluble and soluble fiber, especially native pectin, that provide the functional benefits. Because of this, Citri-Fi improves texture, taste and stability of food first and contributes some dietary fiber second.

Key differences separate Citri-Fi citrus from others in the market. Citri-Fi adheres to a sustainable model using byproducts from food processes. Other fibers use grind and grow models. In other words, other suppliers specifically source their materials from products grown specifically to be processed into plant fibers. In addition, some citrus fibers contain mostly insoluble fiber. As a result, they provide limited functionality in the food product. Lastly, Citri-Fi uses a process free from chemical modifications. Other processors use alcohol washes and other chemicals to create their products.

2. What is Citrus Fiber Made From?

Citrus fiber can be made from different citrus fruits such as orange, lemon or limes which are the most common raw materials.

3. What is Citrus Fiber Extract?

Citrus fiber extract serves as another description for citrus fiber. Some ingredient suppliers use this terminology to try and differentiate their citrus fiber products from others in the market. Ultimately, food labeling trumps when it comes to describing this natural ingredient. For example, the FDA labeling guidance for Citri-Fi includes the following options: citrus fiber, dried citrus pulp or citrus flour. And the USDA fallows citrus flour or dried citrus pulp. These labeling options resonate well in the natural and clean label markets.

4. Is Citrus Fiber a Natural Emulsifier?

Not all citrus fibers on the market provide emulsification benefits. However, Citri-Fi citrus fiber does. This natural citrus fiber extract has high surface area that easily traps water and oil. Also the fibrous composition contains lipophilic and hydrophilic ends which attracts the oil and water into the matrix which further binds the two. For instance, Citri-Fi binds oil and water to create emulsions that are used in food applications such as dressings, sauces, beverages, dairy and meat alternatives like patties. Another feature is that this natural citrus fiber serves as a plating agent. In other words, Citri-Fi, when mixed with oil, turns difficult-to-use liquids into flowable powders. As a result this benefits foods like beverages, meats and sauces.

5. Is Citrus Fiber an Allergen?

Citrus fiber is allergen-free.

6. Is Citrus Fiber Gluten-free?

Citrus fiber is also gluten-free.

7. What is Citrus Fiber Composition?

As mentioned before, citrus fiber composition varies depending on the supplier. Each supplier uses different processing methods as well as sources different raw materials. Citri-Fi citrus fiber contains about 70% total dietary fiber consisting of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Moreover, this citrus fiber consists of high amounts of intact native pectin. In other words, this composition is as close to natural as nature intended. Other citrus fibers may contain more insoluble fiber. As a result, these types of citrus fiber need to be blended with other hydrocolloids to provide the same benefits as Citri-Fi citrus fiber.

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How to Add Citri-Fi® Citrus Fiber to Foods

Citri-Fi® citrus fiber improves texture, labeling, stability and nutrition of various food products. However, to use this natural citrus fiber in foods, it needs to be hydrated correctly to activate the full functionality. As a result, these four easy methods minimize dispersion issues that may arise when adding this natural ingredient. 

Before diving into how to use citrus fiber in foods, let us review why you need to use Citri-Fi in the first place. Citri-Fi citrus fiber uses a process free from chemical modifications. The mechanical process opens up the fiber to provide high water holding and emulsification properties. As a result, when used at low levels (<1%), citrus fiber contributes multiple benefits to a variety of food products such as meats, bakery, beverages, sauces, dairy and frozen foods. Also, this natural ingredient improves hot trending products like dairy and meat alternatives. In the end, Citri-Fi citrus fiber should be your "go-to" natural ingredient to improve stability while cleaning up labels and enhancing nutrition.

Depending on the product, this healthy food ingredient provides various benefits. For instance, this food emulsifier binds water and oil which improves the stability of dairy, beverages, sauces, dressings and dairy alternatives. Additionally, Citri-Fi holds onto water to increase yields and improve juiciness and texture of meats and meat substitution products. Because this natural citrus fiber provides multiple functionalities, it replaces ingredients like starches, gums and other stabilizers to clean up food product labels.

Now that you joined the loyal citrus fiber club, let us talk about how to use it in food products successfully. Although your first urge will be to sprinkle Citri-Fi like pixie dust, proper hydration is key! In the end, properly hydrating Citri-Fi activates the full functionality of this citrus fiber.

How to Use Citri-Fi Citrus Fiber in Foods 

There are four main ways to use this natural hydrocolloid in foods to prevent clumping or "fish eyes".

1. Pre-mixed in Dry Ingredients

One option includes pre-mixing Citri-Fi citrus fiber with dry ingredients such as sugar, salt, flour, etc. depending on the food product. The dry ingredients should be approximately 10 times the weight of Citri-Fi. Moreover, foods that benefit include bakery items, seasoning mixes and processed meats.

2. Dispersed in Oil 

Another way to incorporate this natural food emulsifier is in oil. For instance, Citri-Fi can be mixed into an oil before being added to the food product or liquid. On the other hand, this natural emulsifier when mixed with a certain ratio of oil turns liquids into free-flowing powders As a result, this plated citrus fiber improves the handling and usability of the product. And as a bonus, when added to water or other food products, this plated material provides additional functionalities. For example, plated Citri-Fi provides stability and mouthfeel in beverages.

3. Dispersed into Syrups

Also, Citri-Fi can be added into syrups like sugar or glucose.

4. Prehydrated Directly in Water

Though we recommend adding Citri-Fi to dry ingredients before hydrating in water, you do have the option to prehydrate directly in water. However, in order to use this method, you need to add Citri-Fi in 3% or less solutions. In addition, this natural food ingredient needs to be added using strong agitation to avoid clumping and "fish eyes". Some recommended agitation options include blender, rotor stator homogenizer, mechanical mixer or a magnetic stirrer.

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